



Updated : February 16, 2014 05:30  pm,Dubai
By Editor

MVX-based security platform to include new capabilities for intrusion prevention, endpoint protection, analytics and managed services

FireEye has announced an expanded FireEye Security Platform that is designed to give customers one solution to go from threat alert to remediation. The newly enhanced platform incorporates endpoint protection and managed security services from recently acquired Mandiant, as well as new analytics and intrusion prevention capabilities. The new products and services are expected to be generally available during the first half of 2014.
The FireEye Security Platform is powered by FireEye’s proprietary MVX technology and FireEye Dynamic Threat Intelligence. The new capabilities include:
Intrusion Prevention System
The new intrusion prevention system will address the shortcoming of traditional IPS solutions by applying FireEye’s Multi-Vector Virtual Execution (MVX) technology to validate attacks and minimize the time and resources security teams spend investigating false alerts. Users get actionable insight from validated alerts so they can focus on alerts that present the greatest risk and accelerate incident response. By adding intrusion prevention capabilities to the FireEye Security Platform, organizations can get a more comprehensive view of an advanced attack.
Endpoint Threat Detection & Response
The FireEye Security Platform now incorporates Mandiant’s endpoint threat detection and response products (formerly sold as Mandiant for Security Operations). FireEye customers will now be able to confirm when network and email alerts result in compromise, make faster and more accurate decisions about incidents and contain impacted devices with a single click, even when they are outside of an organization’s network.
Threat Analytics
New threat analytics capabilities will allow security teams to apply FireEye’s threat intelligence to security event data generated from their existing security infrastructure so they can find and scope attacks as they are unfolding. This cloud-based solution is designed to perform real-time correlation of event logs against FireEye’s threat intelligence to identify when attackers are active in your environment. The system delivers prioritized alerts to help accelerate incident response as well as manages incidents to improve efficiencies in assigning, tracking and resolving events.
Managed Defence Subscription Services
New subscription services build on FireEye’s continuous monitoring subscription service by offering additional expertise from Mandiant’s Managed Defence service. Organizations will now be able to choose from an expanded menu of monitoring and protection services and draw on FireEye security analysts to actively hunt for adversaries to find and stop attacks as they begin to unfold.
The expanded FireEye Security Platform was introduced to partners last week at FireEye’s annual Momentum conference in Las Vegas.
“FireEye is enabling us to address new layers of security infrastructure with the advanced technology that made their core products so effective,” said Brandy Peterson, CTO, FishNet Security. “The new platform will allow us to approach our customers with the right mix of new technology, updates for outdated products and services to help protect them from today’s advanced attacks.”
Ray Kafity, Vice President for FireEye Middle East, Turkey and Africa commented on the important announcement by saying: “This is by far the most comprehensive Cyber Security Platform on the market today. FireEye revolutionary advanced Cyber Threat detection and prevention Technology coupled with Mandiant around the clock incident response, forensics and managed cyber defence capabilities is unparalleled in the industry. The utilization of FireEye millions of virtual machines imbedded in FireEye Network Threat Prevention Platforms, FireEye Intrusion Prevention System, intelligent cyber threat analytics solution along with millions of endpoint sensors from Mandiant Host Threat Prevention Platforms makes it the ideal next generation Cyber Threat Detection and Prevention solution for major enterprises across different industry verticals and geographies.
The Middle East, Turkey and Africa region has been experiencing major advanced Cyber Threats in the last few years that resulted in dangerous intellectual property theft, cyber espionage, state sponsored threats and attacks and major disruption of enterprise business and commerce activities. FireEye is uniquely positioned to address and deal with these Cyber Threat challenges in real time without relying on legacy network security solutions the proved to be inadequate in defending against these Cybercrimes.”


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