
Relentless threat environment driving demand for Managed Security Services



Arbor Networks, the security division of NETSCOUT today released its 11th Annual Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report (WISR) offering direct insights from the global operational security community on a comprehensive range of issues from threat detection and incident response to staffing, budgets and partner relationships. For the first time, nearly half of the respondents were from enterprise, government and educational organizations, with service providers at 52 percent. Arbor’s long-standing customer relationships and reputation as a trusted advisor and solution provider make this report possible each year.

“Every day, businesses, service providers and governments are targeted by DDoS attacks and advanced threats across the region. With the raise of IoT trend in the Middle East these attacks become even bigger threat to all types of networks. Cyber threats become more and more sophisticated and require intelligent DDoS mitigation techniques that are constantly updated and improved,” said Mahmoud Samy, Regional Director – High Growth Markets (Russia/CIS & Middle East) at Arbor Networks. “With increasing cyber threat landscape in the region and worldwide, the best solution is an appropriate preparedness. Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report shows that 57 percent of enterprises are looking to deploy solutions to speed incident response processes. Loss of personal information and disruption of business processes are perceived as the top business risks from an advanced threat.”

Among the top 5 DDoS trends, this year the top motivation was not hacktivism or vandalism but ‘criminals demonstrating attack capabilities,’ something typically associated with cyber extortion attempts.  The Attack size continues to grow and thee largest attack reported was 500 Gbps, with others reporting attacks of 450 Gbps, 425 Gbps and 337 Gbps. In 11 years of this survey, the largest attack size has grown more than 60X. 56 percent of respondents reported multi-vector attacks that targeted infrastructure, applications and services simultaneously, up from 42 percent last year. 93 percent reported application-layer DDoS attacks. The most common service targeted by application-layer attacks is now DNS (rather than HTTP).

Two years ago, 19 percent of respondents saw attacks targeting their cloud-based services. This grew to 29 percent last year, and now to 33 percent this year – a clear upward trend. In fact, 51 percent of data center operators saw DDoS attacks saturate their Internet connectivity. There was also a sharp increase in data centers seeing outbound attacks from servers within their networks, up to 34 percent from 24 percent last year.

More than half of enterprise respondents reported a firewall failure as a result of a DDoS attack, up from one-third a year earlier. As stateful and inline devices, firewalls add to the attack surface and are prone to becoming the first victims of DDoS attacks as their capacity to track connections is exhausted. Because they are inline, they can also add network latency.

Among the top 5 advanced threat trends, there is a focus on better response. 57 percent of enterprises are looking to deploy solutions to speed the incident response processes. Among service providers, one-third reduced the time taken to discover an Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) in their network to under one week, and 52 percent stated their discovery to containment time has dropped to under one month.

2015 saw an increase in the proportion of enterprise respondents who had developed formal incident response plans, and dedicated at least some resources to respond to such incidents, up from around two-thirds last year to 75 percent this year.

The proportion of enterprise respondents seeing malicious insiders is up to 17 percent this year (12 percent last year). Nearly 40 percent of all enterprise respondents still do not have tools deployed to monitor BYOD devices on the network. The proportion reporting security incidents relating to BYOD doubled, to 13 percent from six percent last year.

There has been a significant drop in those looking to increase their internal resources to improve incident preparedness and response, down from 46 to 38 percent in this year’s results.

Lack of internal resources this past year has led to an increase in the use of managed services and outsourced support, with 50 percent of enterprises having contracted an external organization for incident response. This is 10 percent higher than within service providers. Within service providers, 74 percent reported seeing more demand from customers for managed services.

The survey was based on 354 responses, up from 287 last year, from a mix of Tier 1 and Tier 2/3 service providers, hosting, mobile, enterprise and other types of network operators from around the world. Consistent with prior years, the majority of responses (52 percent) came from service provider organizations.  For the first time in the 11-year history of this survey, nearly half of responses (48 percent) came from other types of organizations representing a more diverse view of different types of networks. This is up from 40 percent in 2014, and 25 percent five years ago.

Enterprise organizations are very well represented, making up 38 percent of total respondents. The remaining non-service provider respondents represent government (6 percent) and education (4 percent).


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