
SAMENA Telecommunications Council to host its Annual Leaders Summit 2018



SAMENA Telecommunications Council is gearing up for its Annual Leaders’ Summit, to be held on May 3rd 2018, with the patronage of Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA) of the UAE. The one-day leaders-only event is a significant summit for materializing private and government partnerships and collaboration within the ICT industry of the region. The Summit will congregate leaders and influencers from within the telecommunications industry across South Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, Asia, Europe and beyond.

“Our focus during Leaders’ Summit 2018 is on understanding requirements and multiple dimensions in building the region’s digital economy. To see as to how such an economy would be made sustainable and equally so, how best telecom operators can play a decisive role in shaping up regional, digitally-enabled socio-economics. We are thrilled to get so many confirmations from both private and public sector leaders, wanting to be an active part of this year’s leaders’ congregation in Dubai. This year, I not only anticipate successful and goal-setting discussions at the Summit but also a much bigger representation of geographies from around the world,” stated Bocar BA, CEO & Board Member of SAMENA Council. 

“As ICT becomes a general purpose technology that improves lives of consumers and increases efficiency of businesses, ICT infrastructure becomes a key to unlocking economic growth and 5G is the main driver of this transformation,” said Charles Yang, President of Huawei Middle East. “Huawei is ushering in the 5G era by laying the groundwork for new networks, developing 5G commercial devices, and nurturing an ecosystem of telco organizations, vendors, and consumers prepared to seize new opportunities. The arrival of 5G will support national plans and accelerate digital transformation, and the SAMENA Council conference is a great occasion to gather ICT industry leaders to discuss challenges and opportunities on the road to 5G.”

Mr. Marwan Hayek, Chairman and CEO of Alfa said: “We are taking part in the SAMENA Council Leaders Summit after accomplishing the 1st 5G trial in Lebanon in April and achieving a record speed of 25 Gigabits/sec, the highest throughput in Lebanon’s history. We believe that this breakthrough is part of our commitment to be leading on the technology side as well as investing and mobilizing all our human capital and network assets to convey the human side of telco in all our operations and contribute to the happiness of the people”. Hayek added: “This gathering is an excellent opportunity to align with all SAMENA Council partners on how to move the ICT Industry further and explore ways on how we can build a future of telecom where humanity is in our core business and where we strive to improve lives and support economies and national development through technology”.

“Undoubtedly, SAMENA Council can be described as a unique platform for sharing knowledge, know-how and expertise in the ICT sector. It is a forum of collaboration, advocacy and communication. This annual gathering of Leaders’ Summit is a proof of success of what SAMENA Council is doing across the year. The organization of such conferences, seminars and workshops is so impactful. I’m honored, this year, to be elected member of SAMENA Council Board of Directors, which is a huge responsibility to be assumed by my Company to convey, with efficiency, the important messages of this Council” stated Mr. Tarig Hamza Zainelabdin, CEO of Sudatel.

Various regional leaders representing network operators, regulatory authorities, ICT service providers, global ICT leading agencies, and policy bodies from Asia and Europe have confirmed their participation in Leaders’ Summit 2018, including international bodies such as the ITU and GSMA.


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