Tech Interviews

Genesys showcases Cloud advancements at GITEX 2022



Genesys is a software company that sells customer experience and call centre technology to mid-sized and large businesses. It provides both cloud-based and hybrid cloud software. The organization offers internet and telephony-based interactions, network routing, outbound dialling, and workforce management solutions. The Integrator engages with Evren Aker, Director of Partnerships, Genesys, Middle East, Africa, Turkey & France, to discuss the company’s future endeavours and its presence in the region.

What services do you provide in this region?

We are a cloud-based software company, so we bring the power of AI, machine learning, and its functionalities. We touch people’s lives in many ways – from buying an excellent online product to its servicing and support.

Companies might want automation in their processes. Taking the example of an airline company, from the time a user books a ticket or flight cancellation to the point they reach out to the company through WhatsApp or Twitter, providing a superior customer experience is essential. This is where we come in. At Genesys, we allow organizations to provide seamless customer experiences. We connect people with companies. In this case, for example, we provide end-to-end software solutions, support services, sales, and polling for message appointment bookings.

What new solutions have you brought at GITEX 2022?

We have five different focus areas at GITEX. Each of them focuses on various verticals. We mainly focus on the government sector, healthcare, airlines, and other industries. Along with that, the new innovation we launched was the core functionality of our flagship offering Genesys Cloud – Journey Analytics. Journey analytics is not just about online selling, it’s about understanding the customer’s journey and needs. When a consumer visits a Kiosk or enters a pharmacy to buy a product, Journey       Analytics can learn the user’s digital footprint; thereby, it can track them and provide them with the best service.

What alliances are you for in the region, and what are your previous partnerships?

AWS is our core strategic alliance in the region. However, if our customer has other products or functions, we will engage with them. But our core relies on AWS infrastructure as a platform. Apart from that, we have seven different partners that complement our solutions. They are the system integrators, the technology providers, GSIs, or BPOs. Moreover, we also have strategic alliances with Adobe and many others.

What is the response from the MENA region about cyber security? Is the region cybersecurity ready?

Cybersecurity is a trending topic. Residing in a public cloud gives us core security. However, some customers require that their security platforms be integrated, which is where we also support them. We provide our customers with secure infrastructure and secure data.  Regionally, we experience great buying from the region, from UAE in particular. We meet customers where they are and localize our offerings and solutions.

Any particular message that you would like to convey to our audiences?

We are a software company and are very much focused on AI, Journey Analytics, people conversations, and AI conversations. This way we let companies understand their customers and serve them better. We aim to continue to power customer experiences for companies all over the world.


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