Financial News

FTFT Capital’s CryptoCredibitlity Campaign Educates and Employs students



FTFT Capital has launched a CryptoCredibility campaign designed to help students be more well-versed with blockchain and cryptocurrencies. The campaign focuses on positively engaging students to help them gain a stronger understanding of the technology and lift their confidence.


The campaign is the brainchild of Ola Lind, Director – FTFT Capital and Global Blockchain Business Council UAE Ambassador whose vision is to short bridge the gap between mass adoption and the current dynamics of the crypto ecosystem by providing a platform for blockchain innovation and education.


Three students have managed to secure an internship with guest speaker Ed H., founder of TakeCapital and an active GBBC member, due to the first session held at Murdoch University Dubai led by the speaker Dr Neda Keshavarzi, Research Development Specialist at FTFT Capital Investments.


The hour-long interactive session introduced the young adults to the world of cryptocurrency, talking about the different kinds of cryptocurrencies, their uses, and a brief introduction on how to get started. FTFT Capital is leveraging its employees, customers, and contacts for this campaign to offer students a hands-on-immersive learning experience and the opportunity, whenever possible, to secure employment or internships that will allow them to learn alongside industry leaders, develop their projects, and hone their skills and expertise in the sector.


Gearing up the rest 26% of the population

A report by YouGov showed that 68% of young adults (18-24) in the UAE are seeking to invest in cryptocurrencies in the next five years; however, 20% of them stated that they don’t have enough knowledge about it.  And with social media often portraying cryptocurrency as a get-rich-quick scheme, it has ensnared many young adults and students who, fearful of missing out, invest without adequate information or investigation.

“With major improvements taking place in the crypto and blockchain field, we want the younger generation to look at this as a full-fledged career path rather than just an investment,” said Ola Lind, Director of FTFT Capital.


Empowering the students of the $26 billion industry through hands-on-learning

With a transaction value of $26 billion, the UAE is currently the third largest Crypto market in the Middle East, after only Turkey and Lebanon. Despite the fact that the internet is packed with online learning material, there are relatively few opportunities to put your knowledge into practice. This attempt to empower students will accelerate the UAE’s development and improve its standing in the Middle East, making them the main hub for blockchain and cryptocurrencies.


Through this program, FTFT Capital is harnessing its staff’s talents and connections to provide the best experiences to the students. Along with their technical expertise, the speakers offer a personal touch to the campaign by discussing their own experiences, such as Ed’s, who first became active in the cryptocurrency industry when Bitcoin was just worth 0.6 USD.




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