
Exploring Tech Evolution & Regional Partnerships in IT Distribution, ASBIS Middle East



The Integrator in an interview with Mr. Hesham Tantawi, Vice President at ASBIS Middle East, delves into ASBIS’s strategies, evolution and vision for IT Distribution amidst the shifting technology landscape in the region.

ASBIS, has been one of the prime distributors of technology in the region for long now, could you give our readers an overview of the changing dynamics and technological advancement in the region lately?

ASBIS, established three decades ago, has maintained a notable presence in the Middle East for the past 25 years. Our reputation has solidified us as a prime distributor for esteemed brands, including Intel, AMD, Western Digital, Logitech and Seagate. Our enduring partnerships with these vendors have spanned over 25 years. A central facet of our operations revolves around distribution—a domain characterized by its fluid and evolving nature. Notably, we have consistently maintained a leading position in this dynamic market due to our meticulous examination of market trends. Consequently, we adapt proactively to shifts in the market landscape.
In the contemporary context, resellers are confronted with a plethora of challenges. Over the last two decades, the marketplace has undergone a profound transformation, rendering it unrecognizable from its earlier state. Such transformations in market dynamics are inevitable and demand our constant vigilance. Our markets have matured extensively, a transformation evident in examples such as the changing complexities of serving regions like Saudi Arabia or Egypt.
The intricacies of these transformations encompass factors such as shifting customs duties and the evolution of supply chains. Therefore, our approach is deeply rooted in a comprehensive understanding of the region’s dynamics, anticipating and accommodating fluctuations to ensure our continued success.

How has your business model evolved in terms of changing market dynamics in this region?

We adopted a new slogan quite some time ago: “Success through Focus.” But what does this truly entail? In the realm of information technology, a multitude of components coalesce—machines, solutions, servers, and networks, among others. Our distinctive approach has involved the formation of specialized focus groups, each tasked with dedicatedly developing a particular segment. Concurrently, we assume the responsibility of cultivating a market for each of these segments.
To illustrate, consider our interaction with one of our partners specializing in components. During our engagement, we illuminate the potential for additional value, such as IP telephony. In this endeavor, we provide comprehensive support, encompassing training, supplies, and a complete ecosystem for their business growth. This strategy not only fosters the expansion of a given market segment but also contributes to the overall growth of the end-user market. Such a focused approach is the essence of achieving success within this framework.

What is ASBIS’s prime strategy and how has it contributed to the growth of start-ups? Could you elaborate on the importance of partnerships and focusing on the end user in achieving success in the business world?

ASBIS employs a primary strategy centered around cultivating partnerships. This approach involves providing support to start-ups right from their inception, thereby fostering a mutual growth trajectory. Remarkably, numerous start-ups that we have aligned with have evolved into major corporations, and it is noteworthy that we, too, have advanced alongside them. The essence of this success lies in the collaborative nature of these partnerships, which contrasts with a mere instructional role.
My advice is to focus on what you’re doing and make sure your company is all about helping the customers. If you start a business just to trade things or compete with others around you, it’s going to be hard to succeed. Conversely, if your aspirations involve carving a niche within the existing trade landscape, there is a likelihood of succumbing to competition from larger entities within an exceedingly brief span, less than five minutes even

How does ASBIS prioritize transparent communication in partner relationships, including collaborations with governments across diverse markets?

The fundamental principle is elegantly straightforward: prioritize honesty and maintain utmost clarity. Cultivate robust partner relationships as a focal point. Ensuring clear and transparent communication holds paramount significance.
Our engagements extend to collaborating with governmental entities across Egypt, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Algeria. These collaborations encompass a multitude of national projects, necessitating a comprehensive 360-degree assessment of these diverse markets. Throughout these endeavors, we have actively partnered with a multitude of start-ups, further enriching our scope of influence.

How do you see the future of new technology such as Robotics, AI etc. and how do you see the future of IT distribution evolving?

The landscape of IT distribution is evolving towards a more pronounced emphasis on technical aspects. Our focus will be honed on distributions that yield substantial benefits for the end user. Notably, the realm of robotics is poised to assume a significant role. I confidently assert that the robotics sector will attain a position of parity with traditional IT within the next two years. As testament to this belief, we’ve made substantial investments in robotics solutions. This year, we’ve assembled a dedicated team of 30 to 40 individuals at our headquarters, exclusively dedicated to robotics.
Anticipate the proliferation of robotic kiosks, catering coffee and tea across diverse locations. Cleaning operations will witness the integration of robotic assistance. We’re poised to introduce our robotics portfolio to the market during the upcoming GITEX event. This strategic move marks our commitment to the burgeoning robotics frontier.

What key lesson from your extensive experience would you impart to readers about reselling and IT distribution?

Acquire precise knowledge, master effective techniques—especially in sales and distribution—and adopt a scientific approach to the market. Fuse honesty and clarity into your strategies for enduring success.


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