Tech Interviews

For Personal or Group Communication, Poly Has Ideal Video-Integrated Devices



Poly is the communications company that powers connection and collaboration using headsets, desk and conference phones, and video collaboration solutions. Paul Clark, Senior VP – EMEA, Poly speaks to The Integrator on its video collaboration tools and business interests.

Give us some insights into the products and solutions presented at GITEX for your partners as well as the enterprise customers

One of the unique things about Poly is the breadth of its portfolio. From individual or personal communications to enterprise-level applications are offered to customers from Poly. E.g., headset devices for personal use and webcams-integrated video bars for video systems of the large meeting rooms.

Do you still see the relevance of remote work solutions when companies are returning to the office?

Our recent research tells that 82% of the people want to work at least one day a week from home and 69% of them want a greater number of days to work from home. That underlines the fact, not everyone wants to go back to the office all of the time. Companies also have significant advantages subscribing to the hybrid model of work and that the future.

Paul Clark, Senior VP – EMEA, Poly

What impact do you think the COVID-19 pandemic has created in the industry?

Although COVID-19 had negatively impacted most industry verticals, it has allowed some to bring the most competent and innovative products for video collaboration as the medium further democratized – Poly Video Bar solutions are the ideal example for it.

Give us some idea about the kind of software that can be used with Poly’s video collaboration tools.

You can connect to whatever services that you use. Whether it be Zoom or Microsoft Teams or plus, we have our tools for easy conferencing or collaboration.

Speak about the industry verticals you concentrate on

We have an interest in all verticals including healthcare, education, and finance. One of the verticals we have witnessed major changes in is financial markets. These are the markets that historically didn’t support even broad-basis flexibility and remote work as there have been security concerns. Considering the need for business continuity, the finance sector started to embrace the latest technologies after strengthening security up to the most sophisticated standards.

How easy Poly solutions are to install and use?

Our products essentially are designed to be plug-and-play. A little complexity typically comes in during the implementation in an organization. We are closely working with resellers to get that part addressed.

What size of enterprises you would be interested in?

We are interested in all the business. In large businesses, there are bigger complexities and challenges. With smaller customers, they are probably going to see the most change, because historically they’re the ones that were most resistant to change thinking there was not another way. Many of them going to change how they work and we see an enormous opportunity in the paradigm shift.

How do you influence the potential customers amidst tough competition as there are others too offering similar solutions?

We assure quality and consistently focus on innovation because we have the challenge to handle. We won’t have the market ourselves and that is hugely beneficial to the end. Our products are being developed, not because we think of something. But because we know there is a business. So, competition is a good thing.

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