Tech Interviews

With API-First Approach, Enterprises Get Business Intelligence Framework



Helical Insight is a pureplay services company providing services in the domain of data warehousing, business intelligence, ETL, and big data technologies. Nikhilesh Tiwari, Director, at Helical Insight speaks about the company’s API-first approach and focus on open source technologies.

Elaborate on the API features of the platform and their efficiency to accommodate existing software resources of enterprises

While designing our product we always have had an API-first approach. The way we have architected and designed our product is to keep it developed friendly and extensible and API is a major part of it. Every functionality of our product is supported by APIs. We have more than 680 APIs currently. These APIs can be used by customers to extend the functionality, automate a lot of tasks, create custom flows, etc.

Explain the dashboard and reporting features you offer in the platform

In Helical Insight, we offer a very simple, no-code, self-service, and drag-drop interface allowing users to do their ad-hoc analysis. We wish to empower users to not depend on technical people and create their analyses. People can drag, drop required fields, add filters, select any of the 30+ visualizations, and customize them. With our simple interface, people can create reports, dashboards, infographics, map-based analytics, etc.

Our range of visualization options includes table, crosstab, axis charts, non-axis charts, maps, advanced statistical and scientific charts (bubble, dendrogram, treemap), polar, radar, etc.

How efficiently can they use for or impact business decisions? Give a scenario, if possible

Nowadays every company is using so many data sources and generating a lot of data. These data points are not having any value if the organization is not able to derive insights from this data and that is where we come in. We help companies to derive meaningful insights from this data which can in turn help them to decrease their costs, improve their bottom line and revenues, assign their resources in places/products with higher margins, and much more.

Nikhilesh Tiwari, Director – Helical Insight

Use case: We have a client who is in the energy & utility domain and they have built IoT devices, which are deployed on the poles and transformers. From these devices, they collect a lot of data about the transmission and distribution, current, voltage, temperature, pressure, wind speed, etc. With our BI product Helical Insight we are helping them to identify the input and out, various kinds of real-time analysis, identify the pilferage and thefts, trends of usage, generate alerts as well as predict the chances of a transformer going down.

Tell us about the client base you have in the Middle East and plans for the upcoming years

We have customers all across the world, including Australia, Indonesia, the Middle East, Israel, India, the US, South America, etc. though most of th customers are from US and India.

As of now, we are having around five clients from the Middle East that focus on education, retail, and manufacturing domains. With our 5.0 release, we expect exponential growth in the customer base. We want to have a much larger footprint in the Middle East and for the same, we have started sponsoring and exhibiting various events in the Middle East. We are also in advanced talks with some companies in the Middle East and exploring partner programs with them.

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