
Embracing Consumerization, Shaping Work Culture & Technology Integration



By Srijith KN

Your habits and work culture are tremendously influenced by this trend, and we call it consumerization. Well, from IT, to healthcare, to legal services, everything is getting affected by this, and let me tell you we are all in it now. In the past few issues of the magazine, we have been focusing a lot on work, and the changes happening in workplaces over the years, this is because we are in the middle of another wave of technological changes. Emerging technologies such as AI, blockchain etc. have enabled consumerization to rapidly bring new work styles to workplaces. Today technology is intelligent enough to know what devices you are using and where you are using from. And it has become very evident that we are embracing new ways of working and news ways of accessing services.

To simply understand this concept better let me say that the whole trend of working from home, which most of you have done during covid, was facilitated to an extent by consumerization of IT, that was already happening by then. We discussed how hybrid work is on the rise on our previous issue. Now let me tell you it is consumerization that has allowed you to not sit at your desk all the time, move around and do your work. Consumerization of IT has given you the power and the choice to decide how you work and where you want to work.

Lately, we have been seeing lot of unique devices coming in, smartphones have been changing shapes, going more AI than ever, and what not, and then we have social networking rising every year to all new heights. And by now facial recognition, fingerprint scanning, object detection etc. have already gotten embedded into our lives more than ever. Today AI consumerization has boosted productivity and has stretched across businesses to HR processes, customer service and cybersecurity.

With all this taking shape, consumerization of IT has become a critical tool for companies and presents both risk and opportunities, hence the IT guys have no choice but to secure networks, be vigilant and framework structures in ways to keep employees productive, to the extent that they might have to bring out seamless smooth devices that run even under water! And today it is the IT of organizations that has been responsible for enforcing rules, such as what information to be allowed on their network for their employees.

Certain types of data are incompatible with specific devices, while certain information cannot be placed or verified on public networks. Therefore, IT professionals must address this trend with utmost care to ensure that the organization maintains the flexibility it has provided for its employees. Enhancing organizational productivity in this manner is crucial. However, achieving a balance between pragmatism in policy-building and embracing consumerization remains a global challenge for companies.

Numerous challenges persist in the realm of consumerization, spanning privacy concerns, data migration hurdles, and the complexities posed by a highly mobile workforce. To effectively address these challenges, companies must rely on a robust and efficient IT team, a necessity that many organizations have duly recognized and acted upon. Moreover, we anticipate the implementation of new policies by companies, particularly concerning AI applications and device usage, soon. As these changes unfold, they present opportunities for novel approaches to work. However, it is imperative to acknowledge that employees bear the ultimate responsibility for the secure and judicious use of these devices. Given the potential repercussions, including financial losses and even endangering lives, prioritizing secure and responsible practices is paramount.

For entrepreneurs launching a venture and aspiring to foster an open, innovative company culture while integrating new technologies, insights from individuals and companies we have highlighted can steer you in sculpting your business ethos. Today, what many employees prioritize is the increasing significance of striking a balance between work and personal well-being—it’s not solely about the paycheck they seek.

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