
The Role of Generative AI in Cyber Security



GenAI and cyber security

AI is the hottest topic in the universe. Pairing AI with cybersecurity opens up vast possibilities and challenges. Many security professionals believe that integrating intelligence into cybersecurity can enhance defenses against sophisticated cyberattacks. However, cybercriminals are also leveraging AI to weaponize their assaults. Check Point partnered with market researchers at Vanson Bourne to examine how security professionals are incorporating Generative AI (GenAI) into their practices. Several key findings from their research are outlined below.

Skills gap

Despite over 70 percent of respondents feeling confident about their organization’s defenses, eighty-nine percent countered their optimism by acknowledging that employing qualified people was challenging. The cyber security skills gap puts a serious damper on how effective organizations can assemble the right defenses against AI-infused cybercrime.

“An overwhelming 89% of IT and security professionals report a significant skills gap, underscoring the urgent need for innovative solutions.”

Surveyed professionals said the skills gap significantly hampers an organization’s ability to conduct efficient security operations. A substantial 98 percent of those affected reported an “impact” on their security operations, with 40 percent citing a “strong impact.”

Enter GenAI

No organization, large or small. can ignore the potential impact of a major cyberattack. As a result, surveyed organizations said they have turned to AI-powered tools to boost cyber security, including incident response, malware protection, and data loss protection. Clearly, AI is etching its role in providing better protection of the digital landscape.

“97-99% of organizations utilize AI-powered tools, with a significant shift towards GenAI for a comprehensive security strategy.”

GenAI benefits

Organizations have embraced GenAI for strategic purposes, with many using it for over a year to bolster cybersecurity against sophisticated threats and improve incident response rates. Across all regions, GenAI tools are recognized for better understanding user behavior and anomalies. However, European respondents showed less agreement on AI’s potential for enhancing efficiency compared to APAC professionals, who indicated GenAI’s role in streamlining security operations and resource allocation.

The skills gap paradox and GenAI

Bridging the Gap: GenAI can be an ally in addressing the skills gap. It offers a way to augment existing capabilities and improve efficiency, especially in sectors with a high demand for cyber security proficiency.

“Gen-AI is instrumental in closing the cyber security skills gap, with 98% of affected organizations recognizing its impact on operational efficiency.”

Industry-specific insights

The impact of GenAI varies across sectors, with particular benefits observed in healthcare and finance. These sectors recognize Gen-AI’s potential to significantly reduce manual work and increase the efficiency of incident response.

To this survey question, “Thinking about GenAI / AI/ML Deep-Learning, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements,” most respondents agreed that AI tools will improve their efficiency, increase their incident response rates, and help close skills gaps in their organizations.

Here are other results:

• GenAI has/can significantly reduce manual work for our security team: Healthcare (32% lower)
• AI/ML Deep Learning has/can greatly increase our efficiency with incident response: Energy, oil/gas, and utilities (36% higher)
• Gen AI has/can significantly increase our catch rate: Finance/banking/investments (35% higher)
• AL/ML Deep Learning has/can help to substantially bridge the cyber security skills gap in my organization (for those experiencing skills gap in cyber security operations): Finance/banking/investments (28% improvement)

Investment and Implementation

The commitment to integrating GenAI into cyber security is strong, with 90 percent of organizations planning to prioritize AI/ML and GenAI tools. This is accompanied by an anticipated increase in budget allocations for GenAI tools.

“90% of organizations prioritize investments in GenAI tools, reflecting a strategic shift towards innovative cyber security solutions.”

GenAI Transformation

While the outlook is optimistic, concerns and challenges do remain. Organizations highlight the importance of keeping AI models updated while being cognizant of the challenges, such as ensuring compliance with data regulations.

The journey towards a GenAI-integrated security landscape will offer security leaders both rewards and challenges. However, it’s clear, GenAI will help transform organizations as cyber security providers incorporate greater intelligence. Embracing GenAI with strategic foresight will pave the way for a more secure and resilient digital future.

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