Tech Features

Establishing data sovereignty in a ‘datafied’ world



By: Omar Akar, Regional Vice President for Middle East & Emerging Africa, Pure Storage

Data is the currency of the digital domain, and with every passing day, the world is getting increasingly ‘datafied’. Billions of gigabytes of digital data pertaining to citizens, businesses, governments, and institutions are generated, collected, and processed every day. Understandably, there are concerns about how we can protect personal data, business data, as well as sensitive data that has implications for national security.

Challenges associated with data sovereignty

It is possible that a company based in a certain country uses cloud infrastructure from a provider abroad, and that cloud provider also has customers in other countries and regions. If data collection, data storage, and data processing happen in different countries, it will be subject to the data sovereignty rules of all those countries. Many of the concerns surrounding data sovereignty pertain to ensuring data privacy and preventing data that’s stored abroad from violating the laws of that country. Many countries have therefore introduced new laws, or modified the existing ones, so that data is kept within the boundaries of the country where the individual or entity is based. However, verifying that data indeed exists only at permitted locations can be very difficult.

On the other hand, storing huge amounts of data at only a few locations can increase the risk of data loss and data theft through cyberattacks, which can have huge ramifications on the financial health and reputation of businesses.

Moreover, data sovereignty makes it complex to share data across international borders. This can increase cost and inefficiencies for any business that operates across multiple countries and requires flow of data between its offices. Such businesses must now establish infrastructure in local data centers to comply with data protection regulations in each country. Companies also need to keep in view the data sovereignty requirements of each country and international data sharing agreements while wanting to share data which can impact business operations.

Ways to ensure data sovereignty and elevate data performance

Although establishing data sovereignty is undoubtedly challenging, there are some best practices and approaches that can help in achieving it and elevating data performance. Organizations should conduct a comprehensive audit of their data, including where it is stored, processed, and shared. This is the first step in identifying potential data sovereignty risks and ensuring compliance with the relevant laws and regulations of the concerned countries. It is also necessary to adopt data protection measures — such as encryption, access controls, and monitoring — to prevent unauthorized access and use of data, whether it is in transit or at rest.

The company’s data protection policy should define protocols for handling and storing data as well as measures for protecting it. This policy should be regularly reviewed and updated to keep up with any changes in data protection laws and regulations. If an organization has a footprint spanning multiple regions, it is a good idea to take the strongest data sovereignty laws among them and implement it across all regions. Cloud providers can be of assistance in this regard.

Benefits of working with cloud service providers

Most cloud providers have data centers in multiple countries. Organizations should go for a provider whose data residency provisions are aligned with their own data sovereignty requirements. Today, leading cloud providers also offer other features, including data encryption, that can help in achieving data sovereignty. To take it one step further, companies must introduce strict data governance processes in the cloud. This will ensure regulatory compliance, risk assessment, and risk mitigation at all times.

Data sovereignty laws apply not only to data but also to data backups. It is therefore important to understand how your organization backs up information — whether it is done on-premises or using dedicated cloud services or public cloud services. Adopting cloud-ready solutions and leveraging the benefits of all-flash storage is one of the ways to future-proof your organization’s data storage infrastructure. Uncomplicating storage will help in reimagining data experiences and powering the digital future of the business.

Finally, it is important to view data sovereignty holistically, and not as the exclusive responsibility of any one individual or team. The need to comply with data regulations extends across the board, from businesses to suppliers to the end-users. From a business perspective, ensuring data sovereignty calls for robust governance, holistic risk management, and concerted efforts on the part of the IT security, legal department, procurement, risk managers, and auditors — under the guidance and supervision of the company’s Chief Information Officer. It is a good way to build digital trust in today’s business environment.

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