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Updated : March 3, 2014 0:0  ,
By Anthony Perridge, EMEA Channel Director at Sourcefire, now a part of Cisco

What do Malware and Mosquitoes Have in Common? More than You Might Think

Malware seems to be everywhere and it’s incredibly challenging to combat. It can take many forms and is increasingly resistant to traditional approaches to detect and stop. Instead of relying on a single attack vector, malware will use whatever unprotected path exists to reach its target and accomplish its mission.

Mosquitoes are quite similar. There are thousands of species and numerous ways to try to protect against them but each method has its limitations. You can’t walk around completely covered, sound waves and fans have mixed results and, increasingly, mosquitoes are developing resistance to many pesticides. Mosquitoes only need a very small gap in coverage to attack. Depending on the species, a bite can have serious health implications unless quickly diagnosed and treated.

Malware is affecting more and more organizations every day. According to the 2013 Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report, of the top 20 types of threat actions last year, malware is the most common method used– at 10 – followed by hacking and social engineering. Increasingly, blended threats that combine several methods –for example, phishing, malware and hacking– are being used to introduce malware, embed the malware in networks, remain undetected for long periods of time and steal data or disrupt critical systems.

The evolving trends of mobility, cloud computing and collaboration are paving the way for new malware attacks we couldn’t have anticipated just a few years ago and that require new techniques to defend against. A growing attack vector, smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices have become essential business productivity tools. As their performance and roles in the workplace approach that of traditional desktop and laptop computers, it becomes even easier to design malware for them, and more fruitful. The increased use of mobile apps also creates opportunities for attackers. When users download mobile apps, they’re essentially putting a lightweight client on the endpoint and downloading code. Many users download mobile apps regularly without any thought to security, exposing the organization to greater risk.

Extending networks to include business partners and an increasing reliance on Internet service providers and hosting companies are prompting cybercriminals to harness the power of the Internet’s infrastructure, not just individual computers, to launch attacks. Websites hosted on compromised servers are now acting as both a redirector (the intermediary in the infection chain) and a malware repository.

Examples include:

  • ‘Watering hole’ attacks targeting specific industry-related websites to deliver malware
  • Malware delivered to users legitimately browsing mainstream websites
  • Spam emails that appear to be sent by well-known companies but contain links to malicious sites
  • Third-party mobile applications laced with malware and downloaded from popular online marketplaces

Traditional defences are no longer effective in helping organizations deal with today’s cybersecurity challenges including a greater attack surface, the growing proliferation and sophistication of attack models and increasing complexity with networks. Technologies to protect against threats must continue to evolve and become as pervasive as the attacks they are combatting. It’s more imperative than ever to find the right threat-centric security solutions that can work in your current environment and can easily adapt to meet the growing needs of your extended network, which now goes beyond the traditional perimeter to include endpoints, email and web gateways, mobile devices, virtual, data centres and the cloud.

When evaluating your approach to security in light of pervasive malware, seek out solutions that address these daunting challenges:

A greater attack surface

To deal with ever-expanding attack vectors, you need visibility across the extended network with contextual awareness. The more you can see, the more you can correlate seemingly benign events and apply intelligence to identify and stop threats, for example detecting zero-day ‘unknown’ malware that might enter through email or the web and taking action.

Growing proliferation and sophistication of attack models

Policies and controls are important to reduce the surface area of attack but threats still get through. A laser-focus on detecting and understanding threats after they have moved into the network or between endpoints is critical to stopping them and minimizing damage. With advanced malware and zero-day attacks this is an ongoing process that requires continuous analysis and real-time global threat intelligence that is shared across all products for improved efficacy.

Increasing complexity of the network

Networks aren’t going to get any simpler and neither will attacks. You can’t keep adding technologies without shared visibility or controls. To address mounting complexity while detecting and stopping modern threats, you need an integrated system of agile and open platforms that cover the network, devices and the cloud and enable centralized monitoring and management.

Like mosquitoes, malware is everywhere and is a formidable adversary. I don’t have great insights into what’s happening on the mosquito-fighting front. But I can say that the best minds in the cyber security industry are focused on the malware problem. Next week’s RSA Conference USA 2014 will be a great opportunity to start to assess the state of the industry and its progress in helping you deal with pervasive malware.

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Establishing data sovereignty in a ‘datafied’ world




By: Omar Akar, Regional Vice President for Middle East & Emerging Africa, Pure Storage

Data is the currency of the digital domain, and with every passing day, the world is getting increasingly ‘datafied’. Billions of gigabytes of digital data pertaining to citizens, businesses, governments, and institutions are generated, collected, and processed every day. Understandably, there are concerns about how we can protect personal data, business data, as well as sensitive data that has implications for national security.

Challenges associated with data sovereignty

It is possible that a company based in a certain country uses cloud infrastructure from a provider abroad, and that cloud provider also has customers in other countries and regions. If data collection, data storage, and data processing happen in different countries, it will be subject to the data sovereignty rules of all those countries. Many of the concerns surrounding data sovereignty pertain to ensuring data privacy and preventing data that’s stored abroad from violating the laws of that country. Many countries have therefore introduced new laws, or modified the existing ones, so that data is kept within the boundaries of the country where the individual or entity is based. However, verifying that data indeed exists only at permitted locations can be very difficult.

On the other hand, storing huge amounts of data at only a few locations can increase the risk of data loss and data theft through cyberattacks, which can have huge ramifications on the financial health and reputation of businesses.

Moreover, data sovereignty makes it complex to share data across international borders. This can increase cost and inefficiencies for any business that operates across multiple countries and requires flow of data between its offices. Such businesses must now establish infrastructure in local data centers to comply with data protection regulations in each country. Companies also need to keep in view the data sovereignty requirements of each country and international data sharing agreements while wanting to share data which can impact business operations.

Ways to ensure data sovereignty and elevate data performance

Although establishing data sovereignty is undoubtedly challenging, there are some best practices and approaches that can help in achieving it and elevating data performance. Organizations should conduct a comprehensive audit of their data, including where it is stored, processed, and shared. This is the first step in identifying potential data sovereignty risks and ensuring compliance with the relevant laws and regulations of the concerned countries. It is also necessary to adopt data protection measures — such as encryption, access controls, and monitoring — to prevent unauthorized access and use of data, whether it is in transit or at rest.

The company’s data protection policy should define protocols for handling and storing data as well as measures for protecting it. This policy should be regularly reviewed and updated to keep up with any changes in data protection laws and regulations. If an organization has a footprint spanning multiple regions, it is a good idea to take the strongest data sovereignty laws among them and implement it across all regions. Cloud providers can be of assistance in this regard.

Benefits of working with cloud service providers

Most cloud providers have data centers in multiple countries. Organizations should go for a provider whose data residency provisions are aligned with their own data sovereignty requirements. Today, leading cloud providers also offer other features, including data encryption, that can help in achieving data sovereignty. To take it one step further, companies must introduce strict data governance processes in the cloud. This will ensure regulatory compliance, risk assessment, and risk mitigation at all times.

Data sovereignty laws apply not only to data but also to data backups. It is therefore important to understand how your organization backs up information — whether it is done on-premises or using dedicated cloud services or public cloud services. Adopting cloud-ready solutions and leveraging the benefits of all-flash storage is one of the ways to future-proof your organization’s data storage infrastructure. Uncomplicating storage will help in reimagining data experiences and powering the digital future of the business.

Finally, it is important to view data sovereignty holistically, and not as the exclusive responsibility of any one individual or team. The need to comply with data regulations extends across the board, from businesses to suppliers to the end-users. From a business perspective, ensuring data sovereignty calls for robust governance, holistic risk management, and concerted efforts on the part of the IT security, legal department, procurement, risk managers, and auditors — under the guidance and supervision of the company’s Chief Information Officer. It is a good way to build digital trust in today’s business environment.

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By Luka Celic, Head of Payments Architecture – MENA, Endava

Banks and payment services providers (PSPs) have been the region’s engines of economic growth for as long as anyone can remember. It is therefore jarring to imagine that this dominance is now under threat. After all, venerable banks and credit card companies have elegantly embraced the Internet, mobile banking, and the cloud to deliver self service banking to millions of customers. But consumers, especially digital natives, have never been known for congratulating an industry for a job well done. Instead, with each convenience, their expectations only grow. The siege reality of the pandemic accelerated a shift in consumer behaviour, and Middle East banks and PSPs now face challenges on three fronts.

The first is FinTechs. from Saudi Arabia’s BNPL (buy now, pay later) pioneer Tamara and Qatar’s unbanked oriented platform cwallet, to online financial services, Klarna, tech startups have been able to tap into rapidly changing consumer markets. New companies find it easier to pivot. And like speed boats racing against aircraft carriers, they weaved effortlessly to fulfil a range of desires amid high smartphone connectivity rates and a range of other favourable market conditions. By one estimate from 2022, BNPL alone accounted for US$1.5 billion (or 4%) of the Middle East and Africa’s online retail market.

The second threat is open banking, which comes in many forms, but one example is the instant-payments platforms being introduced by central banks such as those in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. To get a sense of how this could play out, we need only look to Europe, where players who once relied on payments through card schemes are now pivoting towards open banking enabled payments. Closer to home, Al Ansari Exchange recently announced its customers can now transfer money and settle bills via the recipient’s mobile number, enabled by the UAE’s Aani IPP.

And finally, comes big tech. To augment its e-wallet service, Apple has signed up to an open banking service in the UK. The open banking framework which banks enabled through their investments is being exploited by a Big Tech firm that has access to 34% of UK smartphone users. Unsurprisingly, this sparked a fierce antitrust complaint by UK’s banks. Other big names will surely follow as they continue to craft ways of offering the digital experiences that garnered them user loyalty in the first place.


Apple Wallet is aimed at blending payment methods, loyalty cards, and other services into a single experience. But such moves have raised regulators’ eyebrows regarding a lack of interoperability and the preservation of competitive markets. Hence, Apple’s open banking foray — a gesture to calm the nerves of a finance market that fears having to compete with a company armed with countless millions of user transactions from which to draw insights. The massive user bases of tech giants will give any FSI CEO goosebumps. How does a traditional bank lure an Apple user? Open banking initiatives open the door to greater competition and innovation, both of which are good for consumers. But the only way to ensure both is by building an ecosystem that balances innovation with regulatory oversight.


Yes, smaller businesses have freedom of movement that larger incumbents do not. But that does not mean that there are no paths for banks and PSPs. There are, in fact, several strategies that larger FSI companies can employ to capitalise on the open banking revolution.

The first of these is collaborating to create ecosystems that provide users with frictionless experiences. Established FSIs already have access to a wealth of information about their customers and must now consider how to integrate data sources to create highly streamlined and frictionless workflows. A customer applying for a loan could then see their details auto populated, and credit history already accounted — all without the hassle of lengthy phone calls, application forms, or submission requests. In an age when instant is everything, it’s easy to see why the former approach could foster loyalty, while the latter would only serve to drive customers towards more capable competitors.

Card companies and issuer banks could also work with acquirers to smooth out the rough landscape that has arisen from the advent of digital payments. Acquirers traditionally acted on behalf of the merchants that accepted payment methods to recoup funds from the PSP through the issuing bank. This system has served the industry well, but with more payment methods emerging, acquirers have branched out into mobile wallets, QR codes, and gateway services. Gradually the relevance of established players has dwindled as their lack of representation at the critical checkpoint has diminished their significance. Incumbents must work to turn back the tide by recognising that acceptance and acceptance ownership are becoming increasingly important for maintaining market relevance.

Another strategy is diversification. Veteran FSIs may feel like they’ve lost ground to nimble start-ups and Neo Banks, but history shows value in patience — established FSI players now benefit from the investments of early innovators, and double down on payments innovations which have already shown the most promise. Moreover, if they diversify their portfolios through acquisitions, innovations, and partnerships, they can secure their future. Mastercard presents an excellent example with their US$200m investment into MTM payments. This single move has given the company access to MTM’s 290 million strong subscriber base, allowing these customers to become familiar with Mastercard products before getting entrenched with mobile wallet alternatives.


If we look at the rise of BNPL services, we see an origin story with — at least — major supporting roles for large card providers. But open banking has sidelined them in just a few years. BlackBerry was a stock market darling just five years before it sought a buyer. Traditional FSI players must innovate; they must collaborate with emerging disruptors; they must diversify. They can survive and thrive if they do these things — after all, they already have much of the infrastructure, and experience required for success. Middle East banks and PSPs have the existing user bases, so they have the scale to get out in front in the era of open banking. All they lack is the kind of compelling use cases that will entice the banking public. PSPs and their issuers could offer embedded payments, for example. The right services at the right time will be warmly received by consumers, no matter the scale of the offering institution, so there is every reason to believe that incumbents will come out on top against FinTech and Big Tech.

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SEC paves way to approve spot ethereum ETFs




By Simon Peters, Crypto Analyst at eToro

Ethereum spot ETFs took a significant step forward to being available to US investors last week with approval of the 19b-4 applications, allowing US exchanges (namely Cboe BZX, NYSE Arca and Nasdaq) to list and trade ethereum spot ETFs.

On the back of this, ethereum has been one of the best performing cryptoassets this week, gaining 19%.

According to a recent survey by eToro with retail investors in the UAE, over 74% respondents agreed that the prospect of an ethereum ETF will significantly influence their decision to increase, decrease or maintain their current ethereum allocation.
Focus now turns to the S-1 registration statements from the ETF issuers, as these still need to be approved by the SEC before the ethereum spot ETFs can actually launch and investors can buy them.

As to when the S-1s will be approved we have to wait and see. It could be weeks or months unfortunately.

Nevertheless, with the 19b-4s out of the way, it could be an opportunity now for savvy crypto investors to buy ethereum in anticipation of the S-1s being approved, frontrunning the ETFs going live and the billions of dollars potentially flowing into these.

We’ve seen what happened when the bitcoin spot ETFs went live, with the bitcoin price going to a new all-time high in the months after. Could the same happen with ethereum? The all-time high for ethereum is $4870, set back in 2021. We’re currently at $3650, about 35% away.

We’re also going into a macroeconomic climate with potentially looser financial conditions, i.e. interest rate cuts and a slowdown of quantitative tightening, conditions where risk assets such as crypto tend to perform well price-wise.

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