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Genetec Highlights Top Data Privacy Practices for Physical Security Leaders




Genetec, a leading technology provider of unified security, public safety, operations, and business intelligence solutions, shared a comprehensive set of data protection best practices to help physical security leaders protect privacy, safeguard data, and enable trust without compromising security.

This initiative comes as a response to the escalating importance of data security in an increasingly interconnected digital landscape. By prioritizing privacy, organizations can effectively contribute to a safer digital and physical landscape for all.

“Organizations should never have to choose between data privacy and security. By equipping physical security professionals with these essential strategies, Genetec is spearheading a paradigm shift towards a more resilient and trustworthy security ecosystem. It is an ongoing process, and organizations should regularly update protocols, stay informed and continuously educate their teams on best practices”, said Firas Jadalla, Regional Director – Middle East, Turkey and Africa (META) Genetec.

Genetec recommends organizations ensure their security systems respect data privacy by: 

1. Collecting and Storing Only What You Need:

A fundamental rule of data security is to collect and store only essential information. The potential impact of a security breach can be reduced by minimizing stored data. It’s important to regularly review and audit data and dispose of unnecessary information responsibly.

2. Limiting Access to Sensitive Data:

Enhancing data security involves restricting access to sensitive information. Genetec recommends implementing data-sharing best practices, such as removing personally identifiable information to safeguard individual privacy. Techniques for anonymizing personal information while retaining its utility include:

  • Randomization (adding noise to numerical values such as an individual’s age or income),
  • pseudonymization (such as replacing names with unique identifiers), tokenization (such as replacing credit card numbers with tokens that have no direct correlation to the original numbers),
  • generalization (such as converting exact birthdates to age ranges),
  • and data masking (showing only the first few digits of a phone number).

3. Ensuring Privacy without Compromising Evidence:

By making use of technologies such as KiwiVision™ Privacy Protector, organizations can automatically anonymize images of people, so they can continue to survey surveillance footage while respecting privacy. This technology also offers an additional layer of security that ensures only authorized users can “unlock” and view unmasked footage while maintaining an audit trail.

4. Being Transparent and Get User Consent:

Building trust through transparency and user consent is essential. It’s important to clearly communicate with users about the data collection process, promoting informed decisions. Organizations should also gain explicit consent before collecting and processing data.

5. Choosing a Reliable Data Storage Provider:

Organizations should select a data storage provider carefully, ensuring a clear understanding of data storage, handling, and sharing practices. If using third-party services, organizations should demand strong security measures and reliable data handling practices. Establish who “owns” any data stored in the cloud, and any rights/privileges associated with the use or disclosure of any information.

6. Establishing Strong Policies:

To ensure long-term data safety, Genetec recommends putting in place robust policies across the organization. Enforcing a transparent chain of custody through technology, such as a Digital Evidence Management System (DEMS), ensures accountability and traceability at every stage of the data lifecycle.

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D-Link’s Approach to Next-Gen Networking Solutions



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The Integrator recently interviewed Sakkeer Hussain, Director- Sales & Marketing Middle East & Africa, D-Link.

Sakkeer discussed how D-Link uses cloud technologies to improve their products across different categories. He emphasized the benefits of cloud technology for D-Link products: convenience, security, scalability, and improved user experience.

Could you provide us with insights into how D-Link incorporates cloud technologies into its product portfolio, particularly with cloud routers, cameras, and managed access points?

At D-Link, we integrate cloud technologies into various aspects of our product portfolio, to offer users remote access, manageability, and enhanced functionality. 

D-Link cloud routers can be configured and managed remotely through a web interface or mobile app. This allows users to monitor their network status, adjust settings, and troubleshoot issues from anywhere with an internet connection. Some of these routers offer cloud-based security features like intrusion detection and prevention systems. These systems can help identify and block potential security threats on the network. We also have cloud-based parental controls, allowing users to manage internet access for their children by filtering websites, scheduling internet access times, and blocking specific applications.

When it comes to our cloud cameras, users can view live footage and recordings remotely through a mobile app or web interface. This enables users to keep an eye on their homes or businesses from anywhere. Cloud-based motion detection allows cameras to send alerts to users’ smartphones or emails whenever motion is detected. This can help monitor potential security breaches. Some D-Link cloud cameras offer cloud storage for video recordings. This eliminates local storage devices and allows users to access recordings anytime, anywhere.

As you might be aware, we offer cloud-based management platforms for our managed access points. These platforms allow network administrators to remotely configure, monitor, and troubleshoot multiple access points from a single location.

By incorporating cloud technologies, we aim to provide users with a more convenient, secure, and scalable networking experience, which we have successfully done to date. 

How do you foresee cloud-managed networks shaping the future for businesses, and what role does D-Link play in driving innovation in this space?

Cloud-managed networks are poised to revolutionize business networking, and D-Link is well-positioned to be a key player in this transformation. 

Imagine juggling a bunch of Wi-Fi routers at different offices – that’s what managing networks can feel like for businesses without a big IT team. Cloud-based platforms are like magic wands for these situations. They also help save manpower. Instead of wrestling with each router individually, you can log into one simple dashboard from anywhere. This lets you see everything that’s going on at all your offices, fix any issues that pop up, and keep your network running smoothly – all without needing a team of tech experts. It’s a real time-saver. Cloud-managed networks can also offer advanced security features like threat detection and automated updates, keeping business networks safer. Thanks to the cloud’s scalability feature, businesses can easily add or remove devices to their network as needed. So for sure, it is going to shape the future of a digital-first environment. 

D-Link is already driving many innovations in this space. We introduced Nuclias range of solutions back when it was critical for organizations to have such a solution for business continuity. We focus on developing interconnectivity and user-friendly cloud management platforms that are intuitive and easy for even non-technical users to navigate. We also ensure to integration of advanced cybersecurity into our managed networking solutions.

Can you give us an overview of the features and functionalities of D-Link’s newest product, the AQUILA PRO AI M60 AX6000 Smart Mesh Wi-Fi 6 system?

The D-Link AQUILA PRO AI M60 AX6000 Smart Mesh Wi-Fi 6 system is a feature-rich offering designed to deliver high-speed, reliable Wi-Fi coverage throughout your home. With its AI-powered optimization, mesh networking capabilities, and robust security features, the M60 aims to provide a future-proof networking solution for demanding households.

Some highlights of the product are as follows – 

·      The M60 boasts AX6000 dual-band Wi-Fi 6 technology, delivering speeds of up to 6 Gbps. This translates to blazing-fast internet for smooth streaming, lag-free gaming, and efficient handling of multiple connected devices.

·      The M60 utilizes a powerful antenna design coupled with AI technology to provide comprehensive 360-degree Wi-Fi coverage throughout your home. This eliminates frustrating dead zones and ensures a seamless connection wherever you are.

·      The M60 functions as a standalone router, but it also has built-in mesh capabilities. This allows you to add additional AQUILA PRO AI routers or extenders to your network in the future, creating a mesh system for even larger homes.

·      The M60 leverages AI to automatically scan and select the best channels with minimal interference, optimizing your Wi-Fi performance.

·      The AI tech also enables self-healing mesh capabilities, ensuring your network automatically recovers from any minor disruptions.

·      The M60 offers advanced Quality of Service (QoS) with AI-powered network prioritization. This allows you to prioritize bandwidth for specific devices or activities, ensuring smooth operation for critical tasks like video conferencing.

·      The M60 comes with built-in security features like WPA3 encryption to help safeguard your home network. Additionally, it offers premium parental controls to manage internet access for your children.

·      The M60 is designed for user-friendly setup and management through the intuitive AQUILA PRO AI app. This app guides you through the installation process and allows you to monitor your network performance.

How does D-Link view environmentally friendly technologies and the associated costs involved in designing products aimed at reducing carbon footprint and conserving energy?

We think it is critical to have sustainability at the heart of everything we do. 

We take pride in our ‘Green Technology’ agenda, which we introduced for our channel partners and end-user customers in the region. Thirteen years ago, D-Link was the first to introduce the industry’s first ‘Green Ethernet’ technology with a series of environmentally friendly small office, home office (SOHO) Gigabit switches that decrease energy costs by reducing power consumption without sacrificing operational performance and functionality. D-Link has continued this ethos and today, we continue to develop green networking technology, which allows our products to reduce power consumption drastically. 

AI can play a key role in enabling us to create environmentally friendly technologies that are cost-effective and user-friendly, without compromising on the design and quality. 

Could you share some insights from the recent Distributor Meet 2024 hosted by D-Link Middle East & Africa in Bali, Indonesia?

D-Link’s regional distributor meet was a memorable experience, it was all about saluting collaboration and recognizing the incredible partnerships we have built over the years. The event brought together our top distributors from across the Middle East and Africa. We recognized the outstanding achievements and contributions of these distributors to D-Link’s success. Additionally, D-Link’s senior management presented insightful information on current market trends and shared their strategic roadmap for the future. The event was also a platform for our distributors to share valuable feedback with us on market challenges, customer preferences, and areas for improvement in D-Link’s products and services. We also had several team-building and networking sessions. 

How does D-Link plan to maintain and strengthen its partnerships with distributors and stakeholders in the Middle East & Africa region moving forward?

At D-Link, we ensure our partners know we are there for them. For any successful collaboration – communication, shared vision, clear goals, and passion are important and this is what we share with our distributors and partners. We will continue to host regular meets and training workshops, develop strong partner programs and incentives, and provide unwavering support to foster enhanced collaborations. We look forward to continuing to inspire and empower D-Link’s network of distributors and channel partners to thrive in today’s competitive market. 

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Exploring the Impact of Gamification in Businesses




The Integrator recently interviewed Jeremy Density, co-founder and managing partner at Imagin3 Studio, an innovation advisory firm specializing in driving digital innovation across various sectors such as Web3, NFTs, Community, the Metaverse, and Artificial Intelligence.

Jeremy, who co-authored the book “Virtual Economy” with Dado Van Peteghem, discussed the potential developments of the next decade while grounding them in present realities. In the following questions, we explore the concept of gamification and its potential applications across different industries in the region.

Explain to our readers what the gamification of business entails, including its various applications across industries?

Gamification traces its roots back to the gaming industry, which has experienced remarkable growth over the past two decades. It’s intriguing to observe how individuals across different age groups, from children to adults, immerse themselves in gaming for hours, drawn by the engagement and interaction it offers. This phenomenon is attributed to gamification, which enhances engagement, interaction, and loyalty among players. Consequently, there’s immense potential for businesses to leverage these techniques to foster better customer engagement, an aspect many brands currently struggle with.

Gaming is one of the most successful and fastest-growing industries with a report suggesting that young Americans spend 12 hours a week gaming. For example, Roblox boasts 70.2 million active daily users who spend on average two and a half hours per day on the platform, which shows how gaming has evolved from a hobby to a way of living, connecting, and consuming.

Those new generations of customers are getting accustomed to fast-paced, increasingly engaging, and rewarding experiences, which is what they expect from the brands they consume. In our book, The Virtual Economy, we talk about the Magic Triangle and how brands must create value by focusing on building better EXPERIENCES, LOYALTY, and COMMUNITIES. This is exactly what games are about.

How can customers interact better with brands?

The biggest impact of gamification for brands lies in the ability to nurture more loyal customers. Loyalty programs have historically rewarded customers transactionally, based on their referrals or a set number of purchases.

A great example of a brand leveraging gamification techniques to grow a loyal fan base is Starbucks.  Starbucks introduced a sophisticated points-based and benefits system through its Starbucks Rewards app, akin to some of the most successful Triple-A games. This digital alternative surpasses traditional loyalty cards, fostering customer loyalty and contributing significantly to the company’s revenue.

As a result of their successful loyalty program shift, Starbucks reported a $2.65 billion revenue increase, with over 25% growth in membership, and 40% of sales at US stores attributed to the membership program.

Starbucks leverages this approach to enhance customer interaction and feedback collection, offering incentives for completing surveys. This gamified strategy not only entertains users but also provides valuable insights to enhance overall business operations.

Going even further, Starbucks introduced Starbucks Odyssey in late 2022. This new layer of the loyalty program offers members the chance to participate in Starbucks “journeys”, such as watching a video on the history of the brand or trying their limited-edition Christmas drink, and rewards participants with “digital stamps”. Those stamps are either redeemable for unique benefits -one of them a trip to Costa Rica to visit a coffee farm, or tradable with other members on a marketplace. More than $200,000 of sales have occurred on the marketplace between members, with Starbucks grabbing a 7.5% royalty fee, making Starbucks Odyssey one of the first “loyalty-to-earn” programs, delivering direct benefits to members, and the brand.

This innovative approach not only enhances user engagement, loyalty, and customer experience but also serves as a creative method of collecting and utilizing data for continual improvement.

However, gamification is not only limited to increasing customer engagement and building more brand loyalty but also to improving internal operations.

Why brands are introducing gamification into their business?

Engagement in the workplace has increasingly become a challenge for brands and companies. A recent Gallup survey showed that “active disengagement” from employees has risen each year since the 2020 Covid pandemic. Only 32% of respondents felt engaged in their work, and 18% felt actively disengaged.

This lack of engagement has significant consequences for companies, whether through a lack of productivity or through increased recruitment and training costs derived from a higher employee turnover rate. Gamification could be seen as an appropriate solution to solve this problem.

It appeals to our competitive nature and fosters deeper engagement. Gamification integrated into business practices introduces a competitive and fun aspect that motivates professionals to outperform colleagues or their competitors within their industry.

As an example, gamification can be used to create more effective employee training programs. Training programs are loaded with information that usually takes a while to be completely acquainted with. 

Companies can learn from popular Triple-A games such as Call of Duty and develop a leaderboard and badge system that encourages employees to finish modules and learn new skills that will benefit them. In other words, allow them the ability to “level up” their stats, gain XP points, and be rewarded when they complete certain classes and certifications.

Aside from the retail sector, in which other industries do you envision the application of gamification techniques?

The application of gamification techniques extends to virtually every industry that interacts with customers. Whether it’s retail or any other sector offering products or services, there’s a universal need to enhance customer engagement and loyalty. Therefore, gamification is pertinent for both business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) enterprises seeking to bolster customer engagement through innovative loyalty programs and engagement strategies.

How do you anticipate the integration of in-car gaming experiences to influence both the automotive and gaming industries?

The prospect of in-car gaming experiences impacting both industries is intriguing. While it’s true that current in-car gaming experiences, like those in Tesla vehicles, offer entertainment during stationary moments, it may take several years before such features significantly influence the gaming industry. The automotive sector must address various challenges, particularly in self-driving technology, before we witness substantial impacts on gaming. However, once these challenges are overcome, in-car gaming could liberate countless hours spent commuting, potentially transforming how individuals engage with gaming and other activities while on the move.

Looking ahead, do you foresee car companies launching cars through gaming platforms, and how might this impact automobile enthusiasts?

Car manufacturers, much like luxury brands and retailers, recognize the importance of fostering emotional connections with customers, especially younger generations. They aim to avoid being perceived as mere commodities and instead seek to create meaningful engagements. Understanding that gaming platforms offer rich opportunities for emotional interaction; car companies are increasingly leveraging these platforms to connect with younger audiences and cultivate lasting brand loyalty.

How do you envision the future of gamification in both the workplace and consumer-brand interactions, considering the influence of Generation Alpha and emerging technologies like VR and AR?

Gamification draws heavily from the principles of Prospect Theory, a behavioral economic concept highlighting the motivational power of small incentives in situations with known probabilities of outcomes. Individuals, fundamentally motivated by the prospect of rewards, find their behaviors influenced by gamification elements, offering brands a cost-effective tool to shape consumer engagement and commitment.

Beyond Gen Z, Generation Alpha is the only generation born into the internet and gamified experiences. Growing up playing games such as Roblox and Minecraft that leverage reward systems, Generation Alpha anticipates a similar dynamic in the workplace, emphasizing gamification’s lasting impact and relevance.

With the latest technological advancements, such as VR and AR, gaining popularity in workspaces with a generally young workforce, gamification will continue to shape companies and allow customers to connect with brands at a more relatable level.

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Exploring Seagate’s Innovative Drive and Market Strategies



Seagate Technology specializes in designing, manufacturing, and marketing of hard disk drives tailored for a range of applications, including enterprise and client computer usage, personal data backup systems, portable external storage, and digital media systems.

In the light of approaching Intersec 24, the Integrator had an exclusive Interview with Mr. Mohit Pandey, Head of Sales – META, Seagate Technology, addressing industry challenges, providing key insights on market segmentation, technological prowess, and their electronic data storage solutions.

What can we expect from Seagate at Intersec 24?

At Intersec Dubai 24, visitors to our booth will witness the latest products and technologies expected to hit the market in the near future. We are eager to onboard resellers and installers for our partner program and engage in meaningful discussions about our unique services and solutions.

Seagate’s EMEA Management team, including Maarten Guijt (Vice President, EMEA Channel, Consumer and Distribution Business), Vincent Oostlander (Director, Seagate Systems and Lyve Solutions, EMEA), and Mohit Pandey (Head of Sales, META), along with Country Managers and Marketing & PR leads, will be physically present at the event to assist current and potential customers.

How is Seagate ensuring it has industry-leading solutions for today’s demanding and secure use cases?

Securing mission-critical data in the most advanced way is Seagate’s primary objective. Our guiding principles of innovation, integrity, and inclusion have positioned us as a leader in data management in today’s complex IT world.

Our extensive portfolio caters to various sectors, including consumers, the surveillance industry, gamers, network-attached storage users, cloud service providers, flash users, NVMe users, and unified storage users.

Surveillance Industry – Data that gets generated through Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled cameras and Internet of Things (IoT) edge points, Seagate provides Skyhawk and Skyhawk AI HDDs for Network Video Recorders and Direct Video Recorders to ensure not a single frame of video is lost, and the customer stores data in the most secured yet cost-effective way.

Cloud Service Providers – CSPs are driven by solutions that are scalable, responsive, and innovative. Seagate Exos provides the most innovative and futuristic Nearline HDDs for customers looking for high throughput and massively dense storage capacity. With our Heat Assisted Magnetic Recording Technology, together with Multiple Actuator 2.0, we are the answer to the industry’s mission-critical workloads, for Cloud, IoT, and AI. Creating a data pool for high-performance computing is now affordable and not a distant dream for organizations.

Enterprise Mission Critical Drives – Enterprises, day by day are working on complex virtualized use cases that demand application throughput to enhance speed and agility. Seagate offers customers worldwide its ultra-agile SSD and NVME solutions known as Nytro. With cutting-edge technology and data protection, corporations have peace of mind when accessing mission-critical and high throughput use cases.

Consumers with personal storage demand – Seagate provides solutions like Expansion, One Touch Hubs, and SSD solutions for storing consumer’s data in the most data-protected environment.

Gaming Industry – If someone calls the gaming industry a niche, then this niche industry has been surpassing the billion dollars for the past years and its incremental growth is a testament that this industry is growing by leaps and bounds. Seagate with its incredible FireCuda brand offers unmatched gaming experience for the users by providing HDDs, SSDs, and NVMEs for this performance demanding market. To top that, we have driven designed as per the game. E.g., Call of Duty, we have a specialized drive designed for Call of Duty, so on and so forth.

How do you define market segmentation?

SMEs and SMBs – SME and SMB constitute 60% of the corporate entry-level IT use cases. Even if the size of the organization is medium, their IT challenges and ambitions are not. The ever-increasing and growing IT management requires very demanding and secure data management. Seagate with its Network Attached Storage HDDs and SSDs (IronWolf, IronWolf Pro, and IronWolf SSD) proposes superior and industry-leading NAS HDDs and SSDs for customers whose requirements are growing and demanding secured drives with unmatched throughput.

Large Corporates – With Seagate Data Storage System (Unified Storage), Seagate provides Hybrid Flash Arrays (HFA), All Flash Arrays (AFA), and the most densely populated Storage available on earth (Corvault). Imagine 2.5PB of RAW Capacity in a 4U enclosure. That’s unbelievable, right? I will say that’s new age technological superiority and that’s Seagate. Use cases such as virtualization, data backup and recovery, high-performance computing, on-premises and hybrid cloud set up, media editing and hosting, video surveillance and analysis, mission-critical applications get the most thriving data management solution for secured data.

Vloggers, YouTubers, and Resellers (Consumer – Retail) – Seagate has a special product for prosumers (professional consumers) and provides the most rugged yet stylish HDDs and SSDs for consumers who have no limit to their creative imagination and world-class content. Supported heavily by Apple, Seagate’s LaCie drives create magical data management and solution for creative data. Whatever the need of the data, whether it is structured data or unstructured data or a combination of both, LaCie provides the most impeccable solution to prosumers globally.

What is Seagate’s edge on technology alliance?

Seagate has years of experience in monetizing world-class data management for mission-critical use cases based on Artificial Intelligence, cloud network operations Center, Internet of Things, high-performance computing, virtualization, data backup and recovery, data imaging, media content editing, and hosting. Seagate does all that by constantly investing a major sum of its income in research and development. Some of the examples are mentioned below as follows: Thus, with massive solutions, market-leading areal density, tested and aligned development with technological alliance partners on futuristic and secured technology, Seagate is poised for a bright and committed data management solution for the customers and consumers of Datasphere.

Which markets does Seagate prioritize in CY 24?

One of the largest markets in the Middle East, which is actively pursuing digital transformation is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia actively working to roll-out the latest advanced technologies and Smart City developments. In fact, the Kingdom was named the “Top Digital Riser” among the G20 nations in 2021 due to the comprehensive government support for digital transformation in the Kingdom as part of Vision 2030. As a global leader in mass-data storage solutions, Seagate is actively investing in KSA. To support its ambitions as a leading tech hub, affordable, flexible, scalable, and secure high-performance data management systems will be vital. With more than 40 years of experience in cutting-edge technologies and solutions, we are equipped with the skills, expertise, and technology to support Saudi Arabia’s advanced IT infrastructure needs. In line with Saudi Vision 2030, the National Transformation Program, growth of the non-oil sector and a fast-growing population, the market for surveillance and video analytics in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.7% between 2020-2026. Within the segment, the camera component acquired the highest revenue share, and the most popular vertical for the market proved to be government and transportation, as remote monitoring, transportation management and increased public safety are priorities among the authorities. At the same time, looking to the future, surveillance and video analytics are expected to play a major role in the development of smart cities. They will also be critical as Saudi Arabia’s major infrastructure projects are advanced.

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