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gamification VR

By Sidra Kamal

The conceptualization of gamification involves incorporating gaming elements into various projects to enhance their appeal, making the process more engaging. Coined by Nick Pelling, a game designer, this term gained prominence during his work on developing a game-like interface for vending machines and ATMs.

As per Bartle’s classification of video game players, there are four types of players.

  • Explorers, the ones who love to inspect all the boundaries and dimensions of the game they are interacting with.
  • Socializers, who prefer collaboration and interaction with fellow players.
  • Achievers, who are driven by earning points and increasing their rank.
  • Killers, characterized by high competitiveness, a love for challenges, and a desire to win over others.

Gamified Technology in Various Business Sectors:

Within the realm of technology, leading companies have embraced gamification not only for their employees but also in their products, ensuring sustained consumer engagement. The ensuing data presents how major tech corporations have transitioned into the gamified era.


Gamification success is evident in the example of Google through its incorporation of the concept into its logo—a symbol that most brands are hesitant to alter to preserve their identity. Google routinely modifies its logo to commemorate global events. That is not just educational gamification, but once people click on it, most of the time, it turns into a playable interactive logo.


The integration of multiple gamification features within Microsoft has found widespread adoption among numerous companies. For instance, Microsoft Teams boasts an active leaderboard, enabling players to track their progress and compare it with their colleagues. This helps boost employees’ productivity and creates a sense of healthy competition among them.


Salesforce Trailhead, an online learning platform of Salesforce, is used within the company to enhance employee motivation and productivity. The employees, also known as Trailblazers, earn badges and points to increase their Trailhead rank. While being competitive and earning points, they are also gaining knowledge and getting skilled in becoming Salesforce Dot Com experts.


Siemens introduced the game Plantville, where players assume the role of a plant manager facing operational challenges. This immersive experience imparts insights into sustainability, productivity, time management, and efficiency to employees.


Initially investing in social media training programs, Cisco encountered unsatisfactory outcomes. Subsequently, the company gamified these training programs, introducing ranking positions such as Specialist, Strategist, and Master. The result was a significant uptake, with nearly 13,000 courses completed and 650 employees obtaining certification.


Samsung implemented gamification, known as Samsung Nation, to attract customers and turn them into loyal customers. Customers get rewards and badges whenever they review a product, help other customers by answering their product queries, or just by engaging within the Samsung community. As a result, they can win various Samsung products. Since the launch of Samsung Nation, the website has gained a 66% increase in traffic, 500% growth in product reviews, and a 30% increase in comments.


Gamification in Fitbit is focused on consumers. When it comes to health, sometimes people can get lazy, and it is the company’s motive to ensure that consumers remain firm in their decision to live a healthy life. Fitbit sends interesting challenges to their consumers, such as completing at least 10000 steps in a day or competing with another friend. Users of Fitbit can also compare their stats with other users, bringing in a sense of competition among them.

The implementation of gamification in the tech sector serves diverse purposes. Some companies employ it to boost employee productivity and motivation, while others focus on cultivating customer loyalty. Irrespective of the objective, the aforementioned case studies underscore the efficacy of gamification in achieving corporate goals.


Embracing Consumerization, Shaping Work Culture & Technology Integration



online shopping consumer

By Srijith KN

Your habits and work culture are tremendously influenced by this trend, and we call it consumerization. Well, from IT, to healthcare, to legal services, everything is getting affected by this, and let me tell you we are all in it now. In the past few issues of the magazine, we have been focusing a lot on work, and the changes happening in workplaces over the years, this is because we are in the middle of another wave of technological changes. Emerging technologies such as AI, blockchain etc. have enabled consumerization to rapidly bring new work styles to workplaces. Today technology is intelligent enough to know what devices you are using and where you are using from. And it has become very evident that we are embracing new ways of working and news ways of accessing services.

To simply understand this concept better let me say that the whole trend of working from home, which most of you have done during covid, was facilitated to an extent by consumerization of IT, that was already happening by then. We discussed how hybrid work is on the rise on our previous issue. Now let me tell you it is consumerization that has allowed you to not sit at your desk all the time, move around and do your work. Consumerization of IT has given you the power and the choice to decide how you work and where you want to work.

Lately, we have been seeing lot of unique devices coming in, smartphones have been changing shapes, going more AI than ever, and what not, and then we have social networking rising every year to all new heights. And by now facial recognition, fingerprint scanning, object detection etc. have already gotten embedded into our lives more than ever. Today AI consumerization has boosted productivity and has stretched across businesses to HR processes, customer service and cybersecurity.

With all this taking shape, consumerization of IT has become a critical tool for companies and presents both risk and opportunities, hence the IT guys have no choice but to secure networks, be vigilant and framework structures in ways to keep employees productive, to the extent that they might have to bring out seamless smooth devices that run even under water! And today it is the IT of organizations that has been responsible for enforcing rules, such as what information to be allowed on their network for their employees.

Certain types of data are incompatible with specific devices, while certain information cannot be placed or verified on public networks. Therefore, IT professionals must address this trend with utmost care to ensure that the organization maintains the flexibility it has provided for its employees. Enhancing organizational productivity in this manner is crucial. However, achieving a balance between pragmatism in policy-building and embracing consumerization remains a global challenge for companies.

Numerous challenges persist in the realm of consumerization, spanning privacy concerns, data migration hurdles, and the complexities posed by a highly mobile workforce. To effectively address these challenges, companies must rely on a robust and efficient IT team, a necessity that many organizations have duly recognized and acted upon. Moreover, we anticipate the implementation of new policies by companies, particularly concerning AI applications and device usage, soon. As these changes unfold, they present opportunities for novel approaches to work. However, it is imperative to acknowledge that employees bear the ultimate responsibility for the secure and judicious use of these devices. Given the potential repercussions, including financial losses and even endangering lives, prioritizing secure and responsible practices is paramount.

For entrepreneurs launching a venture and aspiring to foster an open, innovative company culture while integrating new technologies, insights from individuals and companies we have highlighted can steer you in sculpting your business ethos. Today, what many employees prioritize is the increasing significance of striking a balance between work and personal well-being—it’s not solely about the paycheck they seek.

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5G and the Digital Divide: Bridging or Widening the Gap?




By Sidra Kamal

The introduction of 5G technology marks a significant advancement in the field of internet and communication services. With its promise of faster speeds and more reliable connections, 5G stands to benefit numerous sectors including education, healthcare, and transportation. However, the deployment of this technology also raises questions regarding the digital divide—the gap between those with access to modern information technology and those without. The concern is whether 5G will bridge this divide or further widen it.

The Transformative Impact of 5G on Global Connectivity

5G technology is poised to offer unprecedented internet speeds and connectivity. This has the potential to improve online education by making learning resources more accessible, enhance healthcare through telemedicine, and streamline transportation with smarter systems. For communities in remote or rural areas, 5G offers the hope of connectivity where broadband services are limited or absent, potentially leveling the playing field in terms of access to information and opportunities.

The Roadblocks to Universal 5G Access

Despite the optimism surrounding 5G, there are significant barriers to its universal adoption. The cost of deploying 5G infrastructure may lead to prioritized rollouts in urban and densely populated areas, delaying access for rural communities. Additionally, the affordability of 5G-compatible devices and service plans could restrict access for lower-income individuals. There is also a learning curve associated with new technology, requiring efforts to ensure that all potential users have the necessary skills and knowledge to benefit from 5G.

Toward an Equitable Digital Future

To address these challenges and prevent the digital divide from widening, a collaborative approach involving government, industry, and community organizations is essential. Policies aimed at subsidizing the expansion of 5G infrastructure into underserved areas, coupled with measures to make devices and plans more affordable, can help ensure wider access. Furthermore, educational initiatives designed to enhance digital literacy are critical for enabling individuals to make full use of 5G technology.


The advent of 5G technology brings with it the potential for significant social and economic benefits. However, realizing this potential in a way that includes all segments of society requires careful attention to the barriers that could prevent equitable access. By addressing these challenges through targeted policies and collaborative efforts, it is possible to harness 5G as a tool for bridging the digital divide, thereby ensuring that its benefits are felt across the entire spectrum of society.

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Breaking Through the Digital Ceiling with Hybrid Work Models Impacting Women’s Career Progression



wfh women

By Sidra Kamal

In the evolving landscape of the tech industry, the transition to hybrid work models has been both a boon and a bane, especially for women striving to carve their niches in this competitive field. While these models offer unprecedented flexibility and the promise of a better work-life balance, they also introduce a new barrier: the digital ceiling. This phenomenon, akin to the traditional glass ceiling, represents the unseen yet formidable challenges that women face in advancing their careers in a hybrid work environment.

Advantages of Hybrid Work

The adoption of hybrid models has undeniably democratized access to opportunities in tech, allowing women from diverse geographical and social backgrounds to participate more actively in the workforce. The flexibility to juggle personal and professional commitments without the daily commute has been a significant advantage, leading to improved productivity and job satisfaction among women.

Unveiling the Digital Ceiling

However, beneath these benefits lies the digital ceiling, a complex layer of challenges that can impede women’s career progression. Key among these challenges is visibility. In a world where physical presence often equates to productivity and commitment, women working remotely may find themselves out of sight and out of mind, struggling to get noticed and, subsequently, missing out on crucial opportunities for advancement.

Networking and mentorship have also transitioned to digital platforms, posing another hurdle. Building meaningful connections and finding mentors or sponsors in a virtual setting requires more effort and intentionality. The spontaneous, informal interactions that foster strong professional relationships are less frequent, making it harder for women to build the support networks essential for career advancement.

The digital ceiling is reinforced by unconscious biases that can flourish in remote settings. When interactions are limited to screens, there’s a risk that performance evaluations become more subjective, potentially disadvantaging women whose contributions might be less visible or who may face stereotypes about their work ethic and capabilities.

Strategies to Break Through

Breaking through the digital ceiling requires deliberate action from both individuals and organizations. For women in tech, increasing visibility means actively participating in virtual meetings, sharing accomplishments with managers and teams, and seeking out high-visibility projects. Leveraging technology for networking is also crucial; platforms like LinkedIn, virtual conferences, and company-sponsored networks can be valuable resources for connecting with peers and industry leaders.

Seeking mentorship remains essential. Women should be proactive in seeking virtual mentorship and sponsorship opportunities, utilizing both formal programs offered by employers and informal networks. The key is to be clear about career goals and seek advisors who can provide guidance and advocate on their behalf.

The Role of Employers

Employers play a crucial role in dismantling the digital ceiling. This includes implementing transparent performance evaluation criteria that recognize the contributions of remote workers, ensuring equitable access to opportunities for growth and advancement. Creating a culture of inclusion and equity, where all employees feel valued and supported regardless of their work location, is also vital. Investing in technology and training ensures that all team members, irrespective of their physical location, have the tools and skills needed to succeed. Fostering an environment that encourages virtual networking and mentorship can help build a more connected and supportive workforce.


The shift to hybrid work models in the tech industry offers a unique opportunity to redefine the workplace, making it more inclusive and accessible for women. However, to fully realize this potential, both individuals and organizations must be aware of and address the challenges posed by the digital ceiling.

By taking proactive steps to increase visibility, build networks, and seek mentorship, women can navigate these challenges and advance their careers. Similarly, employers must commit to creating equitable and supportive environments that recognize and value the contributions of all employees, regardless of where they work. As we continue to navigate the future of work, breaking through the digital ceiling is not just about advancing the careers of women in tech; it’s about building a more diverse and innovative industry.

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