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Old is the new ‘new’: Tech’s Sustainable Circle



By: JG Pons, Sr. Vice President – EMEA, Client Solutions Group, Dell Technologies

The evolution of the way we live and work has historically been defined by two things: technological advancement and the changing wants and needs of the next generation. In 2023, these two things have never been more inextricably linked, with technology being used by Gen Z and Millennials to disrupt industries to align with their values, and top among these is sustainability.

Consumers demonstrate a desire to be more eco-conscious in their consumer purchases and increasingly invest in products that are built to last. For example, last year in the UK, 38% of consumers decided to pay extra for a more durable and longer lasting product, showing that consumers are beginning to prioritise more sustainable products, including technologies, from brands they trust will be able to provide this.

However, this isn’t a trend we’re only seeing for consumer purchases. As millennials move into IT buying positions and Gen Z start their careers, we are already seeing the signs that sustainable purchasing is increasingly important for businesses, from carbon-reducing initiatives to greater acceptance of refurbished and recycled technology devices.

For businesses on their journeys to become more sustainable, their tech estate is one area that is important to look at. Electronic waste (e-waste) has become a mounting challenge for businesses and individuals alike and threatens the health of our ecosystems. The Global E-waste Statistics Partnership found that the world generated 53.6 million metric tons of e-waste in 2019 — approximately 16 pounds for every person on earth. That amount of e-waste could fill 263 Olympic swimming pools a year. So how can businesses make the most out of their existing IT estate, and buy their technology sustainably?

Building new: sustainable sourcing and efficient design

Many new devices are built with greater energy and resource efficiency as central to their design.

The way that the industry approaches the design and materials for the latest devices is evolving, with an increasing emphasis on responsible sourcing, including the use of recycled materials and bioplastics, and more efficient product performance.

On a materials level across the industry, businesses are looking at the amount of recycled and renewable materials in our products. At Dell, we have set a goal that by 2030, over half of our product content will be made from recycled or renewable materials, and we are exploring several novel and innovative approaches to replacing plastic in our products, for example the use of bioplastics and bio-based rubber.

This means that new devices, with the latest features, are being built with sustainability in mind. For example, the percentage of post-consumer recycled materials in our latest commercial devices makes them our most sustainable, including select Latitude laptop series, our Precision 3000 workstations and our latest commercial monitors.

We are also intentionally designing our products to be more energy efficient. We have recently increased our ambition to drive down the emissions associated with our sold products, with a goal to reduce these scope 3 emissions by 30 per cent by 2030.

Collaboration is also a key piece here – as we can drive more change together. Industry partnerships, like the Circular Electronics Partnership, are enabling us to come together and increase the impact of our collective circularity efforts across the electronics industry. For businesses and consumers, this means they can invest in new products knowing that they are likely more sustainable than their previous devices.

Building old: the rise of refurbishment

Buying refurbished can be a responsible environmental choice. By buying through an approved reseller, or directly from the manufacturer, businesses can save costs and reduce their environmental footprint by buying a device that may otherwise have been destined for the e-waste pool.

Technology refurbishment has long been a sustainable model for businesses looking to invest in circularity. However, in the past, this has meant employees may not benefit from the innovative new devices that enabled them to work efficiently, especially as part of a hybrid or remote team. The good news is that the rise of refurbishment initiatives, such as buy-back and designing for repairability, means that there is a wide range of devices that can be purchased, including newer models with the same top-of-the-range features.

Building the future: new concepts for a changing world

In recent years we have seen exciting advancements in technology recycling and refurbishment. Soon, businesses can source brand new devices built using recycled components harvested from devices at the end of their lives.

Dell’s Concept Luna is one example of what the future of sustainable PC design could look like. It demonstrates how sustainable PC design meets intelligent telemetry and robotic automation to, potentially, expand focus from the devices themselves to a broader lifecycle approach that is anchored by reuse and refurbishment vs. recycling. Essentially, projects like Concept Luna provide a vision that could enable computer components to be re-used for a second, third or even fourth life in next-generation technology devices. It’s a future where nothing goes to waste and the huge volume of e-waste could be dramatically reduced, as well as minimizing the need for new, raw materials.

The way employees use their technology varies, which means not all components reach end-of-life at the same time. People working from home, for example, may use external components, such as keyboards and monitors. The laptop’s keyboard and monitor have, therefore, barely been used, even when the motherboard is ready to be replaced. Rather than replace or recycle the entire device, the usable components can be repurposed into another laptop. This is one of the visions Dell has for the future of sustainability PC design.

And, while Luna is currently still a ‘concept,’ it demonstrates the positive change being driven, not only by consumer demand, but by innovative designers and passionate sustainability advocates in our industry who see the potential for greater sustainability realized in their work.

There is still a long way to go, but existing initiatives, an increased focus on circularity, and innovative plans for refurbishment means that there are more options than ever for buying more sustainably at each price point. Together, we can have a strong impact on the way we design, buy and maintain our technology, and each sustainable purchasing decision helps to reduce our collective environmental footprint over time.

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Extraordinary Women

The third edition of Bentley Motors’ Extraordinary Women initiative has concluded with students from universities in the UK and Qatar spending a week at the luxury car brand’s headquarters in Crewe, England. As part of a specially designed schedule, they met with Bentley experts and executives, went behind the scenes of its manufacturing operations, and tackled individual tasks.

Designed to encourage and develop the next generation of young female leaders, the 2024 edition of the Extraordinary Women programme has seen the students receive one-on-one mentorship over the past three months from a selection of inspirational Pioneers from the fields of technology, engineering, design, and business.

The students, who passed through a structured selection process focused around these four specific fields, came from a variety of participating universities: including The University of Doha for Science and Technology in Qatar, and the Universities of Bath, Loughborough, and Manchester Metropolitan in the UK.

Noora Al-Hajri, University of Doha for Science & Technology student, commented, “This experience has been nothing short of life-changing. Through the programme, I have gained invaluable knowledge and skills that will significantly impact my personal and professional growth. The opportunity to learn from inspiring mentors in both Qatar and the UK has been particularly enriching. Their guidance has broadened my horizons, challenged me to think critically, and empowered me to pursue my dreams with renewed confidence. The opportunity to visit the Bentley headquarters at the end of the programme has also been truly awe-inspiring. Thank you, Bentley, for believing in us and for creating such a transformative programme.”

The Pioneers were equally carefully selected. In the UK, entrepreneur Sara Davies MBE, founder and owner of Crafter’s Companion and TV personality from BBC One show Dragons’ Den, provided business mentorship, with Cecilia Harvey, founder of Tech Woman Today, offering the same in the field of technology.

Titi Oliyide CEng MIET, Senior Process Safety Engineer and winner of the 2023 Young Woman Engineer of the Year, mentored the engineering student, and renowned interior designer and Founder of Studioilse, Ilse Crawford provided design support.

The four Qatari Pioneers included Qatar’s UNESCO art ambassador, Muna Al-Bader, in the field of design. Dr Noora Fetais Al Marri, honoured by the Arab Women of the Year 2024 awards for her contributions to cyber security. Education and founding President of the Arab Association for Cyber Security, offered technology mentorship.

Covering the field of engineering was Dr. Hanan Farhat, founder of the Qatar Association for Women Engineers, and Dr. Buthaina Al Ansari in the field of business, who is a senior advisor at the organisation that established Tamkeen Training and Consulting Solutions.

Member of the Board for Human Resources at Bentley Motors, Dr. Karen Lange, commented, “With every year, the Extraordinary Women programme grows stronger, as exemplified by the quality of this year’s Pioneers, all who have generously given their time in the spirit of collaboration as we seek to build a legacy for young women. It has been a great honour to meet and engage with such talented young women during their visit – witnessing their energy and ability fills me with great optimism for the future.”

Launched in the UK and Middle East in 2022, the Extraordinary Women initiative has previously engaged students and Pioneers from the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and the United Kingdom. It forms part of Bentley’s wider commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion under its Beyond100 strategy, and was created to encourage women to explore a variety of career paths in the STEM and automotive sectors.

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Reem Finance signs with Network International to accelerate digital transformation



Network International (Network) has announced the signing of a strategic partnership with Reem Finance, the leading financial services provider in the UAE. The strategic alliance aims to leverage Network’s expertise to provide a fully-fledged payment processing solution to support the digital transition.

The partnership with Network complements Reem Finance’s focus on offering customers with a unique banking experience in tune with the digital age. The scope of services includes a comprehensive range of products and services from transaction processing, card hosting and management, as well as value-added services. As the region’s largest payment solutions company, Network is committed to supporting the UAE financial services sector by providing innovative solutions to customers and enhancing the experience of consumers.

Navneet Dave, Managing Director & Co-Head of Processing – Middle East at Network International, commented, “We are thrilled to partner with Reem Finance as we jointly deliver innovative digital payment solutions that offer an effortless and secure experience for customers. Our collaboration builds on Network’s three decades of experience and expertise in creating world-class digital payments infrastructure and services for clients. It underscores Network’s commitment to empowering our partners with cutting-edge processing services and value-added solutions and driving growth in the UAE financial services industry.”

Mr. Seraj Faidi, CEO of Reem Finance,said: “As part of our ongoing commitment to enhancing the quality of our products and services for our esteemed clients, and in light of our recent collaborations with prominent service providers and partners, we are delighted to partner with Network International to explore innovative paths to accelerate digitizing our services to better serve our customers. This engagement is an important step for Reem Finance in expanding our capabilities to provide top tier, friendly and easy to use services to our customers. We are confident that with Network International, the processing of card transactions related to both consumer and commercial sectors will be state-of-the-art and seamless. We are committed to playing a vital role in elevating the financial system in the UAE, delivering value to our shareholders, and prioritizing the needs of our clients.”

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Wio Bank Redefines SME Banking with New Embedded Finance



Wio Bank PJSC is introducing a new embedded finance service designed especially for the UAE’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This initiative includes strategic partnerships with leading accounting software platforms Zoho Books, Fiskl and Wafeq, aiming to embed banking services into daily business operations and simplify financial management.

Wio Business, the bank’s first digital banking application, caters to micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), as well as freelancers and entrepreneurs. By directly integrating with accounting and financial management systems through APIs, Wio Business facilitates seamless financial workflows, enhancing management and eliminating the need for third-party intermediaries. This integration automates bookkeeping, significantly reducing manual labor and allowing businesses to concentrate on their core activities.

Jayesh Patel, Chief Executive Officer of Wio Bank PJSC, shares his vision for the new service: “By adopting Embedded Finance, we are transforming how businesses manage their finances. Our direct integration initiative simplifies how financial services are delivered and managed, making it easier and more transparent for SMEs.”

With over 94% of UAE businesses categorized as SMEs and significant contributors to employment, Wio Bank’s new service is tailored to meet a vital market need. This initiative, along with its strategic partners, is designed to simplify business operations, allowing them to thrive by focusing on growth rather than administrative financial tasks.

A New Era of Financial Management

Through Wio Business, companies can now link their accounts with selected software platforms such as Zoho Books, Fiskl, and Wafeq, offering a holistic view of their financial health. This integration eliminates the dependency on third-party intermediaries, simplifies financial workflows, ensures real-time financial insights with automatic updates, and streamlines accounting tasks with features like auto-reconciliation of bank statement. Additionally, integrating Wio Business APIs into Corporate ERPs and payment platforms facilitates automated account payables and instant transaction reconciliation, thus reducing manual labor and errors, and enhancing cost efficiency and operational gains.

Wio Bank was established to redefine banking in the UAE for both businesses and consumers. Its second digital offering, Wio Personal, is a day-to-day banking platform that changes how individuals see, manage, and grow their money. It provides users with unprecedented financial visibility and flexibility, serving as a foundation for achieving personal financial goals with an engaging experience that includes smart cards and exciting rewards.

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