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Unlocking the Potential of Hybrid Cloud Solutions Landscape for Business Success



gm acronis

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses are confronted with an array of choices when it comes to managing their data and IT infrastructure. It’s akin to entering a bustling restaurant with a vast menu of delectable desserts—each option holds its appeal, but making the right choice requires careful consideration of taste, texture, and presentation.

Similarly, in the realm of cloud computing, organizations must navigate through a diverse menu of solutions, ranging from public and private clouds to hybrid and multi-cloud environments. The decision of where to store and manage data is no longer a simple matter of convenience; it’s a strategic imperative that can shape the future trajectory of a business.

Just as diners seek the perfect dessert to round off their meal, businesses must find the ideal cloud solution to support their operations and drive growth. This quest for the perfect “digital dessert” has led to a burgeoning industry where cloud providers vie for attention, offering tantalizing promises of scalability, cost-effectiveness, and security.

Cost-effectiveness with public cloud

Public cloud solutions, offered by industry giants like Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services, and Microsoft Azure, present enticing advantages such as cost-effectiveness and scalability. By leveraging these off-site infrastructures, businesses can streamline their operations and reduce resource commitments, freeing up valuable resources to focus on core business activities. For new ventures, in particular, the ability to bypass the upfront costs associated with building and maintaining an on-premise data center can be a game-changer, allowing them to allocate resources more efficiently during the critical early stages of growth.

However, the allure of public cloud solutions must be balanced against their limitations. Factors like speed, accessibility, security, and regulatory compliance must be carefully evaluated. For instance, businesses that cannot afford any downtime or data latency may find that public cloud services fall short of their needs. Similarly, industries subject to stringent regulatory requirements, such as healthcare and finance, must navigate complex compliance issues when choosing a cloud provider. The impending enforcement of regulations like the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) further underscores the importance of data sovereignty and regulatory compliance in the cloud computing landscape.

Transparency and control with private cloud

Private cloud solutions, on the other hand, offer organizations greater control over their data environment. While they require an initial investment in infrastructure setup and maintenance, private clouds provide assurances in terms of speed, security, and compliance. For businesses operating in highly regulated industries or those with sensitive data requirements, such as intellectual property or proprietary information, the privacy and control offered by private clouds are invaluable.

Best of both worlds with hybrid cloud

Despite the myriad benefits that public and private cloud solutions offer, it is increasingly evident that the future of cloud computing is centered around hybrid approaches. These hybrid cloud solutions represent a convergence of the best features from both public and private clouds, providing businesses with unparalleled versatility and functionality. By seamlessly integrating elements from both types of cloud environments, organizations can harness the scalability and cost-effectiveness of public clouds for tasks that don’t involve sensitive data. At the same time, they can maintain control over crucial data and applications within their private cloud environments, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and safeguarding sensitive information. This adaptability empowers businesses to respond swiftly and effectively to evolving demands, optimizing performance and resource allocation to achieve their objectives efficiently.

The partnership between cloud service providers like Google Cloud and various industry players facilitates the adoption of hybrid cloud solutions. By integrating platforms like Google Cloud Platform into their offerings, cloud service providers empower businesses to implement hybrid cloud architectures seamlessly. This integration enables organizations to leverage the strengths of both public and private clouds, without being tied to a single vendor or infrastructure.

In conclusion, the decision of where to store and manage data is a pivotal one for businesses. Whether opting for public, private, or hybrid cloud solutions, organizations must carefully assess their unique requirements, regulatory obligations, and long-term objectives. By partnering with cloud service providers, businesses can build a flexible, scalable, and resilient infrastructure that meets the demands of today’s digital economy.


SEC paves way to approve spot ethereum ETFs




By Simon Peters, Crypto Analyst at eToro

Ethereum spot ETFs took a significant step forward to being available to US investors last week with approval of the 19b-4 applications, allowing US exchanges (namely Cboe BZX, NYSE Arca and Nasdaq) to list and trade ethereum spot ETFs.

On the back of this, ethereum has been one of the best performing cryptoassets this week, gaining 19%.

According to a recent survey by eToro with retail investors in the UAE, over 74% respondents agreed that the prospect of an ethereum ETF will significantly influence their decision to increase, decrease or maintain their current ethereum allocation.
Focus now turns to the S-1 registration statements from the ETF issuers, as these still need to be approved by the SEC before the ethereum spot ETFs can actually launch and investors can buy them.

As to when the S-1s will be approved we have to wait and see. It could be weeks or months unfortunately.

Nevertheless, with the 19b-4s out of the way, it could be an opportunity now for savvy crypto investors to buy ethereum in anticipation of the S-1s being approved, frontrunning the ETFs going live and the billions of dollars potentially flowing into these.

We’ve seen what happened when the bitcoin spot ETFs went live, with the bitcoin price going to a new all-time high in the months after. Could the same happen with ethereum? The all-time high for ethereum is $4870, set back in 2021. We’re currently at $3650, about 35% away.

We’re also going into a macroeconomic climate with potentially looser financial conditions, i.e. interest rate cuts and a slowdown of quantitative tightening, conditions where risk assets such as crypto tend to perform well price-wise.

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Harnessing AI and big data to transform Middle East’s retail industry landscape




By Saeed Alajou, Senior Sales Director, Enterprise Business

With the increasing dominance of technological advancements in the current era, the global retail industry is witnessing a massive shift in its operations. As the industry embraces a varied range of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and big data analytics, it is redefining customer expectations and the conventional concepts of business operations. According to recent studies, The global artificial intelligence (AI) in retail market size is projected to grow from $9.36 billion in 2024 to $85.07 billion by 2032, at a CAGR of 31.8% from 2024 to 2032. This transformative wave is compelling companies to harness the potential of these cutting-edge technologies to maintain their competitive edge.

One of the most evident trends in this era is the convergence of eCommerce, AI and data analytics, which is driving the evolution of the retail landscape worldwide. In the current omnichannel retail landscape, consumers expect consistency and continuity across various touchpoints, pushing industry players to integrate conversational AI. This integration ensures a seamless experience; for example, customers can begin a conversation with a chatbot while browsing online and effortlessly continue it via a mobile app when they visit a physical store.

However, the potential of the omnichannel approach and conversational AI platforms is not limited to supporting customers. They also provide retailers with valuable insights into customer behaviour across different channels. Conversational AI platforms can generate a vast amount of data from customer interactions, offering retailers valuable insights into consumer preferences, trends, and pain points. By analysing this data, retailers can uncover patterns, identify emerging trends, and optimise their product offerings and marketing strategies accordingly.

Furthermore, AI-driven analytics enable retailers to gauge customer sentiment, allowing them to address issues and enhance satisfaction proactively. These data-driven insights empower retailers to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the curve. Reflecting the vast potential of AI, the retail sector in the Middle East is rapidly adopting this technology, becoming a leading industry in AI investment. Reports indicate that AI spending in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) reached USD 3 billion and is expected to grow to USD 6.4 billion by 2026, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 29.7 per cent.

The innovation of chatbots and virtual assistants has accelerated the integration of AI technologies in retail, revolutionising customer interactions by adding a human-like touch to digital engagements. These tools enhance the purchasing journey, making it more intuitive and responsive, providing customised and real-time recommendations based on consumer sentiment. However, retailers need to manage expectations of scalability and ensure AI complements rather than replaces human interactions.

Furthermore, integrating big data into retail operations helps understand customer behaviour and preferences. Retailers can leverage vast amounts of data to gain insights into customer needs and tailor their offerings accordingly. By analysing customer-generated data, businesses can conduct predictive analysis to anticipate trends and make informed decisions, keeping them ahead of the curve in offering products and services that resonate with their target audience.

When it comes to the impact of AI integration in the retail sector, one key segment where it is significantly visible is the supply chain. By integrating big data analytics, retailers are achieving more efficiency in their supply chain operations. Predictive analytics powered by AI aids in forecasting demand, optimising inventory levels, reducing waste, and ensuring products are available when and where customers need them. This enhances operational efficiency and customer satisfaction by minimising stockouts and delays.

AI integration supports a customer-centric approach in retail, and it positions technology as a key facilitator in meeting customer demand. Advanced technologies can identify and replicate demographic needs and pinpoint where investment is required to add value. The integration of various AI tools including price-matching technologies, pay-per-click advertising optimisation, and predictive analytics, aids the retailers in focusing on perfecting the customer journey, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience from the start to finish.

Although AI is widely embraced across the industry regardless of company size, delivering the best customer service requires empowering employees with the right tools and knowledge. When employees are equipped with AI-driven insights, they can provide more personalised and efficient service, enhancing the overall customer experience. This empowerment also promotes a culture of innovation and continuous improvement within the organization.

Additionally, data integration and integrity are crucial for the effectiveness of AI and big data. Retailers must implement systems that can integrate data from various sources, ensuring that all information is accurate, consistent, and up to date. This collaborative approach allows retailers to offer a unified brand experience across all channels while maintaining data boundaries and complying with privacy regulations.

This widespread adoption of AI technologies in the industry underscores the importance of establishing a robust and adaptable regulatory framework. Given the growing concerns about data privacy and ethical use, retailers must ensure responsible and secure handling of customer data. Stagnant regulations can lead to compliance issues and erode customer trust, and this necessitates current and customer-aligned regulations to maintain a trustworthy data environment.

Another challenge in AI integration is utilising AI and big data to experiment with new ideas and strategies. In retail, embracing calculated risks is crucial for innovation and growth, viewing risks as learning opportunities. Being responsive to evolving customer needs allows retailers to navigate uncertainties and capitalise on opportunities for success.

With AI projected to contribute up to USD 320 billion to the Middle East’s economy by 2030, the region is increasing its investment in technology. This emphasises the need for a holistic approach in retail, integrating AI, big data, and a customer-centric mindset to thrive in the market. The industry players can maintain their competitive edge by focusing on efficiency in supply chain operations, understanding consumer behaviour, and empowering employees.

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Embracing 5G: How is it Transforming Consumer IT Landscape?




We are moving to a technology immersed environment where virtually and in reality, every aspect of our personal and professional lives involves the use of technology. Whether one wants to connect with his/her loved ones, book a cab to work, order a meal at home, send emails to clients, operate a machine, or ship a large consignment, everything is dependent on technology. This is nothing but consumerization of IT, where every task in our day-to-day life is carried out with the help of IT. Technology has not only made our lives easier but also efficient and faster. In many cases, use of technology has led to cost savings and in regions like North America, technology has solved issues related to shortage of labor.

As we enter the era of 5G (5th generation connectivity with Speed: 1-10Gbps and latency – 1 ms) after passing through various stages of 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 4G LTE, organizations are re-strategizing to make their operations smoother and sharper, further paving way to consumerization of tech. While many parts of the world still rely on 4G and 4G LTE, 5G is beginning to gain traction and expand its reach.5G is expected to have a significant impact on the consumerization of IT, as it promises faster data transfer speeds, lower latency, and greater capacity, revolutionizing the way we connect and communicate with each other, as well as the way businesses operate in today’s hyper-connected era. In this article, we will dive into the consumerization of IT and the influence of 5G, focusing on the potential benefits for both businesses and consumers. The biggest step that we have seen in the commercialization of IT is the adoption of mobile phones and laptops, followed by connected devices in an enterprise and/or industries.

The Influence of 5G

5G will enable businesses to support more devices and applications simultaneously, leading to improved productivity and better customer experiences. 5G will be the foundational pillar to groundbreaking applications across industries which will in turn point the way to mass adoption of different technologies. The democratization of 5G is empowered by the below:

  • Artificial Intelligence: 5G and AI are inter-knitted in such a way that one will be incomplete without the other. Together these techs will kick-off the connected intelligence environments. 5G will ease out the functioning of heavy AI applications, simultaneously AI will enable smooth functioning of 5G and network optimization to a significant extent.
  • Smart Devices, Smart Cities, Connected Environments: This is an area where 5G will make the biggest impact by providing connectivity to billions of devices together without any lag. IoT devices will be able to connect to networks faster and in more reliably way. 5G will handle the majority of the workload, facilitating seamless communication among devices and enabling Industry 4.0 applications. This will help businesses to safely connect to networks by simultaneously collecting and analysing data in real-time which will help them make better decisions based on that data.
  • Autonomous Vehicles: 5G will facilitate vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication, enabling real-time management of on-road vehicle operations. The faster connectivity will ensure safer and efficient transportation.
  • Entertainment: With faster download and upload speeds, consumers will be able to stream high-quality video content with minimal buffering, download large files in seconds, and play online games with low latency. It will stabilize the use of AR/VR (supporting Metaverse applications) and holographic technologies that will provide immersive experiences with low latency and high-quality graphics, making them more accessible and useful. 5G will also democratize live broadcasting, helping media production houses with a platform to stream events and sports, which was previously ignored due to need of high bandwidth. Streaming platforms can deliver 4K and 8K content seamlessly, transforming how we consume media and interact with digital content.
  • Digital Healthcare: 5G era will also be the onset of remote surgeries, robotic surgeries, usage of in-body devices (body ingrained chips), wearables, IoMT (Internet of Medical Things), and other real-time data transfer applications to monitor humans and their smooth living. Surgeons can perform complex procedures remotely with precision, and ambulances equipped with 5G can transmit critical patient data to hospitals in transit, potentially saving lives through faster response times.

These applications have struggled until 5G launched and are gaining momentum ever since 5G has come into play. There is a rapid emergence of new applications in the above-mentioned areas/technologies. Further, applications of 5G play an important role are 3D printing, drones, robotics, data analytics, cloud computing and much more.

However, this is not all. 5G does bring a lot of challenges related to infrastructure upgradation, which can also be time intensive. Lack of 5G-enabled devices, spectrum allocation, interoperability, security (need for proper regulations and guidelines) and the cost associated with the entire implementation of 5G are some of the other challenges. Not every country and company can afford the high costs associated with 5G.  In order to eliminate the the development and deployment of 5G, Governments play an essential role, where they can only bear the cost of developing and implementing 5G infrastructure.

As per GSMA, the investment in 5G will reach $ 1 Trillion worldwide by 2025. Regions such as Americas, Middle East are rapidly growing in the number of 5G subscriptions. Also, EU and Asia-Pacific countries are actively participating in the development of 5G. Many countries across the world are investing to bridge the gap and remove the digital divide by offering the same level of internet access to urban, rural as well as other underserved areas. This improved connectivity will bring numerous opportunities such as educational opportunities to rural students (removing occurrences of isolation as happened during COVID), agricultural practices, telemedicine services and much more.  Several major telecom companies such as Verizon, AT&T, Ericsson, Nokia are participating actively to bridge the gap.

The societal impact of 5G has not been comprehended to a larger extent. R&D is underway to understand the significant ramifications of this technology. Some positive potential societal implications can include generation of new job roles and efficient energy usage. There is a need for responsible consumption where cities/communities promote growth but in a sustainable way which can be provided by 5G as it is more systematic and standardized. 5G provides improved network efficiency, eliminating unnecessary items and provide efficient pathways to transmit information that helps to save energy. This way 5G will promote economic growth as well.

Future Focus

5G when co-existing with other networks is expected to improve the quality of life and bring economic prosperity. Companies must frame an effective strategy and hire skilled professionals for leading projects that commercialize IT across different teams in an organization. This will include combination of different technologies and their capabilities for different tasks, which will foster innovative and efficient tech environments equipped with focused solutions. 5G’s faster speeds will enable many use cases which have been dormant or slow moving in the past. Every stakeholder in the 5G environment be it the government, telecom companies, other tech companies or adopters of 5G – all will have to work in conjunction towards the development of 5G and overcome challenges.

Mass adoption of 5G across businesses will capitalize on new bundled services and new business models by providing innovative services and combining different services to offer a packaged solution. Maturity of 5G will happen in phases, with each phase enabling some functional drivers making it more and more impactful.

5G will catalyse consumer’s daily lives by sanctioning impactful use cases and elevating the overall lifestyle. The technology equipped future that many have imagined in sci-fi, is here now. 5G era will be an onset of exciting times as it will support massive transformation in many industries enabling applications that will enable innovations leading us to a futuristic world.

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