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System Integrators are enhancing capabilities to address customer needs even as they cope with the transformation coming in with emerging technologies

The fast paced emergence of new technologies continues to lead transformational shifts with both those who deploy technologies and end users who are beneficiaries of the deployments. For systems integrators in the region, the challenge is to be among the first as well as be the best in taking new solutions to market even when confronting the challenges of sustaining profitable operations in the face of visible slowdown.

Some traditional solutions have seen a drop in demand and Emerging technologies have disrupted traditional go to market models, which therefore necessitates the need for an SI to adopt new solutions and new approaches among their offerings. Integrators cannot choose to ignore the change that is coming and need to substantiate their value proposition to customers.

Stephen Fernandes, Executive Vice President – TransSys Solutions, an Oracle Platinum Cloud Select Partner says, “With several new and disruptive technologies such as IoT, software defined infrastructure etc. in the market today, a systems integrator’s role has become more relevant in today’s business. System Integrators need to have a good understanding of the customer’s strategy, business and their IT requirements. Customers are keen to engage in a partnership model where the SI on-boards the best practices, proven technology and innovates to deliver value to their stakeholders.”

While it may be challenging to have all necessary expertise in-house, collaboration with other solutions providers is an approach to boost overall capabilities to deliver. Companies are increasingly adopting new technologies and solutions from multiple vendors. This consequently creates a huge opportunity for system integrators in helping integrate solutions that differ in architecture and specifications.

Stephen adds, “SIs need to continuously innovate and evolve with changing times to remain ahead of the curve. They need to help customers drive higher services levels with the right blend of technologies. SIs have definitely shifted their game plan. To offer a high value proposition to their clients, they are collaborating across the board. They partnering with Managed Service Providers as well as Cloud Providers. Interestingly, in the new collaboration model size does not matter, it is the value that each partner brings to the table. Smaller consulting players and solution providers offer deep industry domain and niche technology to the consortium. Interestingly enough there is a growing trend of larger organizations preferring smaller niche solution providers for their skills and agility to deliver.”

BFSI, government, manufacturing, and telecommunications sectors and are domains that have a healthy demand for SI services, especially in application integration to deliver better customer services. A recent Market and Markets report forecasts the global EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) market to grow at a CAGR of 10.58% during the period 2016-2020. Finesse, an SI that offers software solutions in the areas of Business Intelligence, CRM, Enterprise Content Management, Governance, Risk & Compliance and Corporate Performance Management apart from several other software applications, company is continuously seeking to bring in innovative solutions into the segments its focuses on.

Sunil Paul, COO at says, “We have expanded our portfolio to cater to demands in the newer technologies and offerings. We have been adding different dimensions to our services by integrating solutions into our portfolio for unique positioning. With in – depth knowledge, extensive training and proven experience, Finesse offers the most suitable approach to meet the client requirements.”

He elaborates, “We continue to bring innovative solutions into our portfolio including the Currency Sterilizer, Robotic Wet Signature (Remote Signature) and HiMed Terminal (for patient-doctor interaction). We offer InfoArchiving solutions to take of legacy systems and applications. We have also added Infra practice to our existing portfolio to give a wholesome solution to our customers.”

The focus on new capabilities and solutions is quite pertinent especially in domains such as information security where the threat landscape is constantly evolving.

Jude Pereira, Managing Director, Nanjgel Solutions, a leading security solutions SI, says, “We are constantly on the lookout for the latest & greatest in technologies/ vendors that can prove immediate value to our clients, so we have most certainly added several new vendors for Incident Response Platform, Application Security – not from a scanning point of view but to be able to hardening the app & securing the same, Intelligent Threat & Machine Readable Management Feeds, Risk Management, End User Threat Behavior Analysis, Endpoint Detection & Remediation etc.”

Substantial shifts
Cloud based services are gaining acceptance for the convenience they offer across sectors. And with that, there has been a sea change in the way a lot of technology is being procured as the consumption based OPEX model gains ground over the traditional CAPEX model.

Sunil says, “Some of the larger projects are being put on hold or moving slowly due to the slowdown in the region. However on the other side, the demand for OPEX model based solutions is looking up.”

The shift toward OPEX consumption models is necessitating integrators to adopt and modify their terms of engagement and agreement with customers that need to follow best practices.

Stephen says, “There is a shift in the way companies procure today, and going forward, this will continue to spiral towards a consumption based model. An upward trend towards IT outsourcing has called for SIs to adapt to best practices in service delivery. Financial modelling, improved service level agreements backed by innovation and a continuous evolution in solutions to address business outcomes is now a key factor for clients.”

He opines that the perceived slowdown in the economy has made companies to take a cautious approach towards IT investments. Most companies have planned for growth both in revenues and profitability but with reduced budgets; there is a push towards OPEX based models leveraging cloud computing.

Stephen adds, “Companies demand business value from Systems Integrators and vendors. Forward-looking companies will continue to invest after taking a strategic view of the markets. They will invest in low cost high impact initiatives driven by Mobility and Analytics. Companies are making a shift to the digital journey, mandated by both their customers as well as their competitors.”

IoT is widely acknowledged as a game changer when it becomes more pervasive in deployments.

Jude adds, “There is certainly going to be a technology explosion with the coming of IoT which is going to change the current technology landscape and the control as well as management of the same drastically. We have already made sure that whatever solutions we currently have in our portfolio are in a position to address the challenges and changes that come with the emergence of IoT & SDN technologies. We have in fact already currently engaged with some projects in the region.”

What it takes
Jude elaborates the consistent effort that an SI needs to invest in to be on top of their game in all processes from understanding customer requirements to designing, deploying and supporting.

He says, “There are several factors that we consider to maintain the lead as a provider of IT Security Solutions. The first is to ensure we have the latest and the best in terms of vendors we are associated with and the technologies we have to offer. Secondly, we need to be able to have an excellent consultant to understand, design and document the customer’s requirements as well as how we can going to provide with the most ideal solution at the best price. Third, it is necessary to have an excellent certified team that can implement and take the design document, scope of work docs etc and put all of that into implementation of the most successful and automated solution. Finally, you need to be able to support the customer on daily operation issues with zero downtime on the solution. Guess it is easy to begin all these four processes but it’s a nightmare to sustain & maintain the same levels of enthusiasm at all times.”

He adds that as a company, he believes that Nanjgel, while being one of the more successful ones in the verticals its focuses on in the region, has potential to deliver much more and has enough projects in hand to complete. Therefore, the company doesn’t see the need to diversify outside its current areas of competence.

Stephen opines that TransSys see opportunities across all key industry verticals and adds that to be relevant to the industry sector, it is important to understand the organization’s business drivers for technology procurement. Based on its past experience and expertise gained, TransSys has developed industry specific frameworks and methodology that are offered to its clients as part of services. This holistic approach, Stephen claims helps to reduce the risk associated with any implementation and support services.

He elaborates, “Opportunities could range from advisory services around enterprise architecture, to transition their on premise infrastructure and services, including data centers, to a cloud computing model. As an SI, we need to continue to innovate to ensure that we address industry vertical challenges. We have successfully delivered complex solutions across Airlines, Banking, Insurance, Retail, Real Estate and Telecom. Besides we have worked with strategic clients in other industry verticals.

Ahead on the road
With the market becoming more commoditized, SIs now have to focus on delivering value added services that enable their customers to compete in a market led by digitalization. Innovation and differentiation with higher service levels must remain top of mind for system integrators to remain relevant.

Stephen adds that training and retaining talent is a key challenge, TransSys invests significantly in training as well as in building innovative solutions that will remain the key focus for the company in the year ahead.
He elaborates, “Attracting and retaining key IT talent and skills has always been an uphill task in the SI industry. To this end, TransSys trains its staff and enables skill development across all disciplines. These investments into our employee’s development helps us to retain the best talent with industry standard skill sets. In 2016-17, we will continue to invest in innovation and transformation solutions, thereby helping our clients increase their revenues and market share while improving their profitability. We have invested in building our industry knowledge and this has helped us in successfully delivering multiple transformational solutions across various industry segments.”

Integrators such as Finesse are also making concerted efforts and investments in participating at different regional ICT expos as well as doing focused events that help them drive visibility with target base of customers about solutions they offer.

Sunil says, “We are very active in organizing regular seminars, road shows and channel orientation programmes and that puts us in a leading position along with robust client acquisition, 100 % Project delivery, awards and recognition.”

The integrator is also quite upbeat about prospects ahead, having gone ahead with expansions into different markets and with plans to further stretch out into Africa and Europe.

Sunil elaborates, “Finesse continues to grow at a 50% YoY growth rate. With our operations across the region with over 175 clients, we have a very strong presence in Oman, Bahrain & Qatar apart from the UAE. We have recently stated our KSA operations. We will be expanding to the Africa & Europe markets by next year and our staff strength should cross 400. We are expecting our revenues to touch 100 million USD by 2022.”

Nanjgel’s Jude says that while he has heard about slowdown heat that some companies are facing, his company has enough projects in hand and also has requirement for additional engineers. The SI is now looking to expand its reach into additional verticals.

He adds, “We continue to see ourselves as the pioneers at what we do and confidently say that our dominance has been proved in the Oil & Gas, Telco, Government & Civil Service (Military/ Air Force/ Army etc) we would like to expand in to the BFSI sector, transport & health care in the next couple of months to a year. Certainly we also want to be recognized for successful implementations & excellent after sales support, which we provide whole heartedly literally without any help from our vendors.”

The system integration market has enough opportunities ahead to build on as ICT continues to interweave itself as an integral Business enabler and a necessary investment, offsetting the slowdown impact substantially. The challenge therefore remain for SIs to ensure they bring to their customers solutions that are built for the future ahead.






By Luka Celic, Head of Payments Architecture – MENA, Endava

Banks and payment services providers (PSPs) have been the region’s engines of economic growth for as long as anyone can remember. It is therefore jarring to imagine that this dominance is now under threat. After all, venerable banks and credit card companies have elegantly embraced the Internet, mobile banking, and the cloud to deliver self service banking to millions of customers. But consumers, especially digital natives, have never been known for congratulating an industry for a job well done. Instead, with each convenience, their expectations only grow. The siege reality of the pandemic accelerated a shift in consumer behaviour, and Middle East banks and PSPs now face challenges on three fronts.

The first is FinTechs. from Saudi Arabia’s BNPL (buy now, pay later) pioneer Tamara and Qatar’s unbanked oriented platform cwallet, to online financial services, Klarna, tech startups have been able to tap into rapidly changing consumer markets. New companies find it easier to pivot. And like speed boats racing against aircraft carriers, they weaved effortlessly to fulfil a range of desires amid high smartphone connectivity rates and a range of other favourable market conditions. By one estimate from 2022, BNPL alone accounted for US$1.5 billion (or 4%) of the Middle East and Africa’s online retail market.

The second threat is open banking, which comes in many forms, but one example is the instant-payments platforms being introduced by central banks such as those in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. To get a sense of how this could play out, we need only look to Europe, where players who once relied on payments through card schemes are now pivoting towards open banking enabled payments. Closer to home, Al Ansari Exchange recently announced its customers can now transfer money and settle bills via the recipient’s mobile number, enabled by the UAE’s Aani IPP.

And finally, comes big tech. To augment its e-wallet service, Apple has signed up to an open banking service in the UK. The open banking framework which banks enabled through their investments is being exploited by a Big Tech firm that has access to 34% of UK smartphone users. Unsurprisingly, this sparked a fierce antitrust complaint by UK’s banks. Other big names will surely follow as they continue to craft ways of offering the digital experiences that garnered them user loyalty in the first place.


Apple Wallet is aimed at blending payment methods, loyalty cards, and other services into a single experience. But such moves have raised regulators’ eyebrows regarding a lack of interoperability and the preservation of competitive markets. Hence, Apple’s open banking foray — a gesture to calm the nerves of a finance market that fears having to compete with a company armed with countless millions of user transactions from which to draw insights. The massive user bases of tech giants will give any FSI CEO goosebumps. How does a traditional bank lure an Apple user? Open banking initiatives open the door to greater competition and innovation, both of which are good for consumers. But the only way to ensure both is by building an ecosystem that balances innovation with regulatory oversight.


Yes, smaller businesses have freedom of movement that larger incumbents do not. But that does not mean that there are no paths for banks and PSPs. There are, in fact, several strategies that larger FSI companies can employ to capitalise on the open banking revolution.

The first of these is collaborating to create ecosystems that provide users with frictionless experiences. Established FSIs already have access to a wealth of information about their customers and must now consider how to integrate data sources to create highly streamlined and frictionless workflows. A customer applying for a loan could then see their details auto populated, and credit history already accounted — all without the hassle of lengthy phone calls, application forms, or submission requests. In an age when instant is everything, it’s easy to see why the former approach could foster loyalty, while the latter would only serve to drive customers towards more capable competitors.

Card companies and issuer banks could also work with acquirers to smooth out the rough landscape that has arisen from the advent of digital payments. Acquirers traditionally acted on behalf of the merchants that accepted payment methods to recoup funds from the PSP through the issuing bank. This system has served the industry well, but with more payment methods emerging, acquirers have branched out into mobile wallets, QR codes, and gateway services. Gradually the relevance of established players has dwindled as their lack of representation at the critical checkpoint has diminished their significance. Incumbents must work to turn back the tide by recognising that acceptance and acceptance ownership are becoming increasingly important for maintaining market relevance.

Another strategy is diversification. Veteran FSIs may feel like they’ve lost ground to nimble start-ups and Neo Banks, but history shows value in patience — established FSI players now benefit from the investments of early innovators, and double down on payments innovations which have already shown the most promise. Moreover, if they diversify their portfolios through acquisitions, innovations, and partnerships, they can secure their future. Mastercard presents an excellent example with their US$200m investment into MTM payments. This single move has given the company access to MTM’s 290 million strong subscriber base, allowing these customers to become familiar with Mastercard products before getting entrenched with mobile wallet alternatives.


If we look at the rise of BNPL services, we see an origin story with — at least — major supporting roles for large card providers. But open banking has sidelined them in just a few years. BlackBerry was a stock market darling just five years before it sought a buyer. Traditional FSI players must innovate; they must collaborate with emerging disruptors; they must diversify. They can survive and thrive if they do these things — after all, they already have much of the infrastructure, and experience required for success. Middle East banks and PSPs have the existing user bases, so they have the scale to get out in front in the era of open banking. All they lack is the kind of compelling use cases that will entice the banking public. PSPs and their issuers could offer embedded payments, for example. The right services at the right time will be warmly received by consumers, no matter the scale of the offering institution, so there is every reason to believe that incumbents will come out on top against FinTech and Big Tech.

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SEC paves way to approve spot ethereum ETFs




By Simon Peters, Crypto Analyst at eToro

Ethereum spot ETFs took a significant step forward to being available to US investors last week with approval of the 19b-4 applications, allowing US exchanges (namely Cboe BZX, NYSE Arca and Nasdaq) to list and trade ethereum spot ETFs.

On the back of this, ethereum has been one of the best performing cryptoassets this week, gaining 19%.

According to a recent survey by eToro with retail investors in the UAE, over 74% respondents agreed that the prospect of an ethereum ETF will significantly influence their decision to increase, decrease or maintain their current ethereum allocation.
Focus now turns to the S-1 registration statements from the ETF issuers, as these still need to be approved by the SEC before the ethereum spot ETFs can actually launch and investors can buy them.

As to when the S-1s will be approved we have to wait and see. It could be weeks or months unfortunately.

Nevertheless, with the 19b-4s out of the way, it could be an opportunity now for savvy crypto investors to buy ethereum in anticipation of the S-1s being approved, frontrunning the ETFs going live and the billions of dollars potentially flowing into these.

We’ve seen what happened when the bitcoin spot ETFs went live, with the bitcoin price going to a new all-time high in the months after. Could the same happen with ethereum? The all-time high for ethereum is $4870, set back in 2021. We’re currently at $3650, about 35% away.

We’re also going into a macroeconomic climate with potentially looser financial conditions, i.e. interest rate cuts and a slowdown of quantitative tightening, conditions where risk assets such as crypto tend to perform well price-wise.

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Harnessing AI and big data to transform Middle East’s retail industry landscape




By Saeed Alajou, Senior Sales Director, Enterprise Business

With the increasing dominance of technological advancements in the current era, the global retail industry is witnessing a massive shift in its operations. As the industry embraces a varied range of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and big data analytics, it is redefining customer expectations and the conventional concepts of business operations. According to recent studies, The global artificial intelligence (AI) in retail market size is projected to grow from $9.36 billion in 2024 to $85.07 billion by 2032, at a CAGR of 31.8% from 2024 to 2032. This transformative wave is compelling companies to harness the potential of these cutting-edge technologies to maintain their competitive edge.

One of the most evident trends in this era is the convergence of eCommerce, AI and data analytics, which is driving the evolution of the retail landscape worldwide. In the current omnichannel retail landscape, consumers expect consistency and continuity across various touchpoints, pushing industry players to integrate conversational AI. This integration ensures a seamless experience; for example, customers can begin a conversation with a chatbot while browsing online and effortlessly continue it via a mobile app when they visit a physical store.

However, the potential of the omnichannel approach and conversational AI platforms is not limited to supporting customers. They also provide retailers with valuable insights into customer behaviour across different channels. Conversational AI platforms can generate a vast amount of data from customer interactions, offering retailers valuable insights into consumer preferences, trends, and pain points. By analysing this data, retailers can uncover patterns, identify emerging trends, and optimise their product offerings and marketing strategies accordingly.

Furthermore, AI-driven analytics enable retailers to gauge customer sentiment, allowing them to address issues and enhance satisfaction proactively. These data-driven insights empower retailers to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the curve. Reflecting the vast potential of AI, the retail sector in the Middle East is rapidly adopting this technology, becoming a leading industry in AI investment. Reports indicate that AI spending in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) reached USD 3 billion and is expected to grow to USD 6.4 billion by 2026, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 29.7 per cent.

The innovation of chatbots and virtual assistants has accelerated the integration of AI technologies in retail, revolutionising customer interactions by adding a human-like touch to digital engagements. These tools enhance the purchasing journey, making it more intuitive and responsive, providing customised and real-time recommendations based on consumer sentiment. However, retailers need to manage expectations of scalability and ensure AI complements rather than replaces human interactions.

Furthermore, integrating big data into retail operations helps understand customer behaviour and preferences. Retailers can leverage vast amounts of data to gain insights into customer needs and tailor their offerings accordingly. By analysing customer-generated data, businesses can conduct predictive analysis to anticipate trends and make informed decisions, keeping them ahead of the curve in offering products and services that resonate with their target audience.

When it comes to the impact of AI integration in the retail sector, one key segment where it is significantly visible is the supply chain. By integrating big data analytics, retailers are achieving more efficiency in their supply chain operations. Predictive analytics powered by AI aids in forecasting demand, optimising inventory levels, reducing waste, and ensuring products are available when and where customers need them. This enhances operational efficiency and customer satisfaction by minimising stockouts and delays.

AI integration supports a customer-centric approach in retail, and it positions technology as a key facilitator in meeting customer demand. Advanced technologies can identify and replicate demographic needs and pinpoint where investment is required to add value. The integration of various AI tools including price-matching technologies, pay-per-click advertising optimisation, and predictive analytics, aids the retailers in focusing on perfecting the customer journey, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience from the start to finish.

Although AI is widely embraced across the industry regardless of company size, delivering the best customer service requires empowering employees with the right tools and knowledge. When employees are equipped with AI-driven insights, they can provide more personalised and efficient service, enhancing the overall customer experience. This empowerment also promotes a culture of innovation and continuous improvement within the organization.

Additionally, data integration and integrity are crucial for the effectiveness of AI and big data. Retailers must implement systems that can integrate data from various sources, ensuring that all information is accurate, consistent, and up to date. This collaborative approach allows retailers to offer a unified brand experience across all channels while maintaining data boundaries and complying with privacy regulations.

This widespread adoption of AI technologies in the industry underscores the importance of establishing a robust and adaptable regulatory framework. Given the growing concerns about data privacy and ethical use, retailers must ensure responsible and secure handling of customer data. Stagnant regulations can lead to compliance issues and erode customer trust, and this necessitates current and customer-aligned regulations to maintain a trustworthy data environment.

Another challenge in AI integration is utilising AI and big data to experiment with new ideas and strategies. In retail, embracing calculated risks is crucial for innovation and growth, viewing risks as learning opportunities. Being responsive to evolving customer needs allows retailers to navigate uncertainties and capitalise on opportunities for success.

With AI projected to contribute up to USD 320 billion to the Middle East’s economy by 2030, the region is increasing its investment in technology. This emphasises the need for a holistic approach in retail, integrating AI, big data, and a customer-centric mindset to thrive in the market. The industry players can maintain their competitive edge by focusing on efficiency in supply chain operations, understanding consumer behaviour, and empowering employees.

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